∗Scouring the internet for tips to get your baby sleeping through the night…
∗Posting in online mom groups looking for that one piece of advice that will get your child finally sleeping on their own…
∗Or trying (and failing) to sleep train… feeling so overwhelmed and tired that you’re at the end of your rope?
... Or worse, you’ve actually started to believe that your baby just isn’t destined to be a good sleeper- and you’ve resigned yourself to several more years of sleepless nights.
I get it. And I want you to know that there is a sleep solution for you that’s clear, concise, and affordable.
Imagine this
+Having a clear plan to sleep train
+Knowing you'll receive expert insight and troubleshooting along the way
+A stress-free bedtime routine where your child puts themselves to sleep
+Knowing that your child will require minimal help from you in the night
+No more hours spent trying to get a tired baby to give in to sleep
This is exactly where my 1:1 Consultations come in.
As a consultation client, you'll receive personalized attention to get to your sleep goals.
"We now have wayyyy better naps, a predictable schedule, and most importantly Billy has learned how to put himself to sleep. We no longer have to rely on feeding him until he falls asleep and that is a huge relief. The whole household is happier and well rested. This built confidence in our parenting as well!" ~ Jenny, mother of 5 month old
"Before it was exhausting thinking about her sleep and what I was going to do every single day and dreading nighttime. I embraced listening and trusting Carianna and didn't second guess the plan. I was ready to commit and did and in two weeks my life literally changed for the better." ~ Chelsie, mother of 4 year old
⇒Customized to your unique sleep situation and goals
⇒Clear, step-by-step written plan of action to improve sleep
⇒Calm support from me as you implement the plan
⇒Available for ages 4 months to 5 years
If you're a tired mom and you are:
+Spending obscene amounts of time trying to get your child to sleep
+Dealing with frequent night wakings
+Watching your child resist naptime but you know they're tired
+Slowly drowning in a fog of sleepless nights and zero downtime
+Too overwhelmed to come up with a coherent plan and actually stick to it...
Then these consultations are exactly the solution you need:

∗ Detailed sleep assessment: I will gather as much information as possible about your current sleep habits, schedules, parenting style, and your child's temperament.
∗ Before we get started guide: You'll receive your to-do list as you prep for sleep training with me.
∗ Customized sleep plan: Next, I will put together a written plan that walks you through day by day instructions to achieve your sleep goals.
∗ 30 minute sleep plan discussion with Carianna: After reviewing your plan, we will hop on a 30 minute call to go over any questions you may have before you get started.
∗ Sleep log: You will also receive a detailed sleep log to fill out so I can see all the nitty gritty details of how things are going.
∗ 3 check in calls: We'll schedule our 15 minute calls to support you through the process, make tweaks as necessary, and talk about any questions or concerns you have.
∗ What to expect guide: This document helps prepare you for future bumps in the road after sleep training. After all, we're working with human babies and not robots so there will be ups and downs in the future!

∗ Detailed sleep assessment: I will gather as much information as possible about your current sleep habits, schedules, parenting style, and your child's temperament.
∗ Before we get started guide: You'll receive your to-do list as you prep for sleep training with me.
∗ Customized sleep plan: Next, I will put together a written plan that walks you through day by day instructions to achieve your sleep goals.
∗ 30 minute sleep plan discussion with Carianna: After reviewing your plan, we will hop on a 30 minute call to go over any questions you may have before you get started.
∗ Sleep log: You will also receive a detailed sleep log to fill out so I can see all the nitty gritty details of how things are going.
∗ 5 days of email support: During our first 5 days, we will be in communication via email to give you the daily support you need during the toughest days. This email support is available Mon-Fri from 9am-5pm CT.
∗ 3 check in calls: We'll schedule our 15 minute calls to support you through the process, make tweaks as necessary, and talk about any questions or concerns you have.
∗ What to expect guide: This document helps prepare you for future bumps in the road after sleep training. After all, we're working with human babies and not robots so there will be ups and downs in the future!

∗ Detailed sleep assessment: I will gather as much information as possible about your current sleep habits, schedules, parenting style, and your child's temperament.
∗ Before we get started guide: You'll receive your to-do list as you prep for sleep training with me.
∗ Customized sleep plan: Next, I will put together a written plan that walks you through day by day instructions to achieve your sleep goals.
∗ 30 minute sleep plan discussion with Carianna: After reviewing your plan, we will hop on a 30 minute call to go over any questions you may have before you get started.
∗ Sleep log: You will also receive a detailed sleep log to fill out so I can see all the nitty gritty details of how things are going.
∗ 10 days of email support: We will be in communication via email for 10 days so you have access to me along with the daily support you need every step along the way. This email support is available Mon-Fri from 9am-5pm CT.
∗ 2 check in calls: We'll schedule our 15 minute calls to support you during and after the process, make tweaks as necessary, and talk about any future questions or concerns you have.
∗ What to expect guide: This document helps prepare you for future bumps in the road after sleep training. After all, we're working with human babies and not robots so there will be ups and downs in the future!
"Before working with you, we never knew what the night would be like. The anxiety of each sundown was very real and very difficult to deal with. Calvin is now sleeping through the night. We were bouncing him to sleep for hours - we can now put him in his crib, leave the room, and he's asleep with 5-10 minutes. His naps have improved greatly. He consistently naps for a minimum of 1 hour each time - whereas, before, we never knew what we were going to get." ~ Caroline, mother of 14 month old
"I love the personalized approach. You took the time to tailor something that works for my family and the ability to stay flexible depending on what worked for us. I also loved having a real person on the other end of the plan rather than just paying for a program that I had to try and read and understand on my own. I’m so much a better parent and I've felt this enormous weight lifted off of my shoulders." ~ Sarah, mother of 7 month old

Hey there! I'm a well-rested mom of two elementary-aged boys and I'm sharing my tips and methods so you can ditch the overwhelm and start getting the sleep that your family needs to thrive. There's no magic wand or "secret" tips to better sleep so if you're looking for a quick fix, this isn't the right place. But with a clear plan and calm support you will have everything you need to confidently sleep train your little ones!

⇒ You are dreading this process- even though you and your little one desperately need a sleep change. You'd prefer to be able to reach me every weekday of the process so you feel 100% confident that you are doing everything right. You would benefit from lots of encouragement.
⇒ You are nervous about the process of sleep training but you think once you get started you'll feel much better. You'd prefer more support in the first few days but then think you'll be ready to take the reins soon after then.

⇒ You are fairly resourceful and feel pretty confident about implementing a sleep training plan. You just need to be told what to do and when. You can take direction well and run with it.
Because I handcraft each sleep plan and tailor my support for each family, these consultations are available for you whether your child is 4 months or 5 years old. If your child is between the ages of 3-4 months, we can schedule a free call now and chat through your situation and when makes the most sense for you to get started. If your child is under 3 months of age, then take a look at my newborn sleep resources instead.
Crying is one of your child's main forms of communication so during a transition, it is natural for them to be communicating with you. All tears are not created equal and the emotions your child may be expressing during the sleep coaching process are: "I'm frustrated. I don't like this. YOU are supposed to put me to sleep. Why are we doing this? I don't know how to fall asleep without you. I'm tired. I'm struggling." These are all completely normal and healthy emotions.
So the short answer is, yes. You will likely hear your child cry. However, I do my best to minimize those tears by making sure their schedule is right and all the pieces leading up to sleep are set up perfectly.
I typically am about 4-5 days out for scheduling. This means that once you purchase and complete my detailed sleep assessment, it may be 4-5 days before you receive your sleep plan and we can schedule our first call. This helps ensure that I have enough time to write your sleep plan and then you have enough time to thoroughly review it before our sleep plan discussion call.
Of course, every child and situation is different but I find that on average you will feel settled into new sleep habits about 2 weeks into the process. Some little ones pick it up quicker and some need longer to fully adjust. This is also very dependent on the method we use and how consistent you are able to be for your child during the process.