Are you struggling with any of the following:

A recent sleep regression got sleep all out of sorts

You're unprepared for a future transition (dropping naps, crib to bed, night weaning, etc.)

You're unsure how to get back on track after sickness or travel

You just don't want to go back to a place of terrible sleep again

You have backtracked on your sleep success and need help digging out


It's okay! We've all been there. 🖤


Sounds like we need to troubleshoot, and that’s totally okay! Children change, and sleep needs shift as they grow. Totally normal for us to need to tweak things or reset some sleep boundaries if they've gotten blurry.

Let’s get you on my calendar so I can take time to fully address everything going on!

*This troubleshooting call is only available to past clients, students of my sleep courses, or families who already have independent sleepers. If this is not you but you are looking for help, shoot me an email and I can help guide you towards the right service.