baby bedtime book

You've got a great night sleeper but naps are another story

You don't have any downtime to yourself during the day because you have to contact nap

Or maybe you've tried transferring baby to their crib but their eyes pop open soon after

... You're so incredibly frustrated because you know your baby can fall asleep on their own and connect sleep cycles at night- so why can't they do it during the day too?!


I get it. And I want you to know that there is a sleep solution for you that’s clear, concise, and affordable.


Imagine this 

+No more hours spent stuck under a napping baby

+Being able to do your nap time routine, kiss your baby, and walk out of the room.

+Knowing that your baby will take a decent nap and then wake up feeling refreshed!

+Having free time each day to tackle your to-do list (or do whatever the heck you want!)


This is exactly where the Nap Training Mini Course comes in.

As a course student, you'll be given a clear plan to get your baby napping well!


Online, self-paced course
Designed for babies who already fall asleep on their own at night
Sets up a day by day plan for teaching independent sleep⁣⁣ at naptime
Geared towards 4-24 months in a crib

baby sleep course

Self-Paced Online Course

You will have unlimited access to this course and its materials. This means you can sneak in your learning while baby is napping on your chest- or whenever it makes sense for you! Lessons are designed to help you maximize your baby's naps and will leave you feeling ready to tackle nap training.

Videos and PDFs

Through these mediums you will learn all the necessary puzzle pieces needed for nap success like sleep environment, sleep props, how to break habits, crying, nap time routines, sleep coaching methods, and nap lengthening. The lessons are all designed to give you a clear checklist of exactly how to nap train so your baby can fall asleep on their own for naps and stay asleep.

nap transition guide

BONUS: Nap Transition Guide ($14 value)

A comprehensive blueprint through each nap transition (4 naps to 0 naps)!


mini course naps review

Hey there! I’m a well-rested mom of two elementary-aged boys, and I’ve created this mini course to help you cut through the confusion and get the rest your family needs. There’s no magic wand or one-size-fits-all trick to better sleep—but with the right plan and practical, experience-backed strategies, you can navigate nap training simply and stress-free. This resource is designed to give you everything you need to confidently guide your little one to napping independently at your own pace, on your own schedule.
Ready to take the guesswork out of naps? Let’s get started!
nap training review