baby sleep bed stuffy


Repeatedly walking your child back to bed after lights out


Negotiating with your toddler as they stall the bedtime routine


Or trying (and failing) to get your child to fall asleep on their own and sleep through the night in their own room


... Or worse, you’ve actually started to believe that your child just isn’t destined to be a good sleeper- and you’ve resigned yourself to several more years of sleepless nights.


I get it. And I want you to know that there is a sleep solution for you that’s clear, concise, and affordable.


Imagine this 

+Feeling confident and calm in the boundaries you set around sleep time

+Having a clear game plan for whatever curve balls your toddler throws at you

+Being able to do your bedtime routine, kiss your child goodnight, and walk out of the room

(without them following you)

+Knowing that your child won't be sneaking into your bed at night


This is exactly where the Toddler & Preschooler Sleep Course comes in.

As a course student, you'll be given a clear plan to get your child (and you!) sleeping.


Online, self-paced course
All about teaching independent sleep strategies to your child
Step by step topics for fostering a healthy relationship with sleep
Geared towards 2-5 years in a crib or a bed

baby sleep course

Self-Paced Online Course

You will have unlimited access to this course and its materials. Go completely at your own pace! You can fit your learning in whenever it works for your busy mom life.

Videos and PDFs

Through these mediums you will learn all the necessary puzzle pieces needed for sleep success like sleep environment, sleep props, how to break habits, protesting, bedtime & nap time routines, independent sleep strategies, nap training, night wakings & feedings, and more! After going through the course, you'll feel confident in the plan and no more second guessing along the way.

early waking sleep course

BONUS: Early Waking Mini Course

This bonus walks you through the 3 main culprits of early morning wakings along with tips and guidance for shifting wakings later.

crib to bed transition

BONUS: Crib to Bed Transition Guide

Step-by-step instructions to help your child transition

toddler sleep 5 star review

Hi! I'm a well-rested mom of two elementary-aged boys and I'm sharing my tips and methods so you can ditch the overwhelm and start getting the sleep that your family needs to thrive.

Carianna ~ Pediatric Sleep Coach

toddler sleep course


5 star sleep review