child bedtime
Dealing with constant stalling requests?

Scripts to end bedtime stalling

Get the free sample scripts here

end bedtime battles
Sick of all the drama at bedtime?

End the bedtime battles

Get the free 2-5 year guide


Got a child between the ages of 2-5 years? These sleep solutions can help you if:

Every bedtime is filled with drama

You can count on your child waking and calling out for you at least 1x each night

Your child is resisting their nap but then tired and crabby come evening

You are still waiting for your child to magically start sleeping better

Looking for a solution that will clearly outline a plan of action


Check out the sleep solutions below!


Classic Consultation

Customized sleep plan

30 minute sleep plan discussion

3 check in calls


Deluxe Consultation

Customized sleep plan

30 minute sleep plan discussion

5 days of M-F email support

3 check in calls


ultimate consultation

Ultimate Consultation

Customized sleep plan

30 minute sleep plan discussion

10 days of M-F email support

2 check in calls



crib tot bed transition guide

Crib to Bed Transition Guide

23 page downloadable e-guide

Step-by-step instructions for making the transition






early waking sleep course

Early Waking Mini Course

Online, self-paced course

Designed for children who already fall asleep on their own

Walks through how to solve the 3 main culprits of early wakings

Geared towards 4 months- 5 years






toddler sleep reset

Toddler Sleep Reset

Pre-recorded workshop

All about why your toddler's sleep got off track and how to get back to your good sleeper

Available in video and audio form for replay

Geared towards 2-5 years who have previously been independent sleepers






Sleep Coaching Crash Course For Little Kids

Online, self-paced course

All about teaching independent sleep strategies to your child

Step by step topics for fostering a healthy relationship with sleep⁣⁣

Geared towards 2-5 years in a crib or a bed


Toddler & Preschooler Blog Posts