Dealing with constant stalling requests?
Scripts to end bedtime stalling
Got a child between the ages of 2-5 years? These sleep solutions can help you if:
⇒Every bedtime is filled with drama
⇒You can count on your child waking and calling out for you at least 1x each night
⇒Your child is resisting their nap but then tired and crabby come evening
⇒You are still waiting for your child to magically start sleeping better
⇒Looking for a solution that will clearly outline a plan of action
Check out the sleep solutions below!

Classic Consultation
∗Customized sleep plan
∗30 minute sleep plan discussion
∗3 check in calls

Deluxe Consultation
∗Customized sleep plan
∗30 minute sleep plan discussion
∗5 days of M-F email support
∗3 check in calls

Ultimate Consultation
∗Customized sleep plan
∗30 minute sleep plan discussion
∗10 days of M-F email support
∗2 check in calls

Crib to Bed Transition Guide
∗23 page downloadable e-guide
∗Step-by-step instructions for making the transition

Early Waking Mini Course
∗Online, self-paced course
∗Designed for children who already fall asleep on their own
∗Walks through how to solve the 3 main culprits of early wakings
∗Geared towards 4 months- 5 years

Toddler Sleep Reset
∗Pre-recorded workshop
∗All about why your toddler's sleep got off track and how to get back to your good sleeper
∗Available in video and audio form for replay
∗Geared towards 2-5 years who have previously been independent sleepers