Hi there! My name is Carianna Gibb and I'm the founder of All The Sleeps.
I recently went down an anti-sleep training account rabbit hole and was pretty disturbed by some of the awful things these accounts claim about sleep consultants.
Things like fear mongering, preying on desperate parents, charging thousands of dollars, promising that a baby will be sleeping through the night in 3 nights, and basically that we are just awful people who take advantage of others.... Of course, all while they themselves are selling something too.
Anyways, it prompted me to create this post and hopefully help you understand a little more about how I run my business. So here's what you should know about me, a sleep consultant…
1. I don't prey on desperate and tired families.
During my free 15 minute call I've turned down many families who either had unrealistic expectations, weren't truly ready, weren't on the same page with their partners, still had medical issues that needed resolved, etc. I also am the opposite of salesy and pushy when talking with parents. If you need to be pushed or convinced, then (with much love) I don't want to work with you. A family that needs to be pushed or convinced to sleep train is not going to be successful at sleep training. And I don't want that for you!
2. I charge very modest, reasonable prices.
Here's the thing: my husband and I are frugal people. That frugality flows into my business which doesn't have all the bells and whistles with a ton of overhead. I didn't become a sleep consultant to make tons of money. I became a sleep consultant to help families and I pride myself on being accessible and having low rates. My pricing is always clearly stated on my website too. No bait and switch here!
3. I don't make promises I can't keep.
Some parents inquire about my services and expect me to guarantee their child will be sleeping through the night in 5 days or less. Or that we will use a totally tear free approach. Or even that we will get through the process and they'll have a perfect sleeper who never gets off track. Frankly, I think that's ridiculous. I help my clients have realistic expectations and understand *averages* because every child is different. Sleep training lays the foundation but your child will still go through various ups and downs. That's just life.
4. I believe in what I do...
And you would too if you had worked with 1000+ families over 6 years and seen the success stories that I have. I used to be a tired mom overwhelmed by my baby's lack of sleep too. Until I found a sleep consultant to help me. And now I get to help other families climb out of the trenches and start enjoying parenthood again. Check out some of my testimonials here.
5. I'm not sitting on any sleep secrets.
You can find most everything I practice and teach somewhere online. You can read books and blogs and follow sleep consultants and piece together a plan on your own that will be successful. But that's just it. It will be on your own. And if you'd like to not go through this completely on your own, that's what I'm here for!
6. I'm a human too.
I'm not perfect by any means but I always try to do right by my clients. I have 2 negative reviews on Google (you can go read them) and honestly they still haunt me because I'm always trying to walk the line of giving my clients my everything while also sticking to my work/life boundaries that serve me and my family. You will get a real, living and breathing person when you work with me.
Thanks for making it all the way to the end of this post! I appreciate your time more than you know. Maybe you’re here to find out more about me before working together, or you’re a past client, or maybe you have *zero* interest in sleep training or working with a sleep consultant.
No matter your story, I’m glad you’re here and you are welcome here for as long as you’d like to stay!
Ready to tackle your current sleep issues? I'm here to offer a solution.
Look no further than my affordable Classic Consultation:
This powerful solution includes:
+ Detailed sleep assessment so I can learn all the ins and outs of your sleep situation, unique family priorities, & sleep goals.
+ A personalized sleep plan that literally walks you through how to teach your baby to fall asleep on their own and in their crib... no more second-guessing yourself!
+ Sleep plan discussion where I answer all your questions about sleep training and make sure when we get off the phone you are confident and ready to hit the ground running.
+ Check in calls with me so we can troubleshoot together, make tweaks as necessary, and I can support you as you navigate your sleep plan.
With the Classic Consultation you can get accessible sleep help to confidently sleep train without all the second guessing! Imagine doing your bedtime routine, kissing your baby goodnight, walking out of the room + knowing that your baby will sleep long stretches at night and both of you will wake up feeling refreshed!
So if you're ready to stop feeling stuck, it's time to own your hard, commit to change & better sleep, and head over to check out the Classic Consultation today: https://allthesleeps.com/