baby sleep myth 4
Why I don't recommend the DockATot

If I had a penny for every time I heard this. I even hear this from parents who are struggling with sleep. They are hesitant to give the ideal sleep environment because they don't want their baby to be dependent on it, even though their current sleep is awful because of it!

Do you sleep as well when visiting your in-laws? Or how about in a hotel? On the couch? In an airport terminal? No? Then why would you expect your baby to sleep well in those different places?

Likewise, would you spend some nights sleeping on your couch to "train" yourself to sleep well when you travel? Sounds a little coo-coo right? So why do we think this is a good idea when it comes to our little sleepers?

High quality sleep comes from ideal sleep conditions. That's just the way the cookie crumbles. Offer those ideal conditions when you can. But don't make it harder for your baby to get good quality sleep when they are at home.

We have to stop expecting our babies to sleep well in random places. They won't sleep as well outside of their normal environment and that's okay. They're human, just like you and me!

Have you been tempted to listen to this baby sleep myth??

ideal sleep environment myth

Struggling with sleep for your child and need help getting on the right foot? Check out my 1:1 service options and my sleep courses!


ideal sleep environment myth

Posted in Baby Sleep, Baby Sleep Myths.