how to craft the perfect bedtime routine

How To Craft The Perfect Bedtime Routine

Ahhh the bedtime routine. I remember reading all about a good bedtime routine as a new parent. Here’s the thing, a good bedtime routine is very important, but it’s not the end all be all of sleep. There’s a LOT more that goes into healthy sleep than just a bedtime routine (age-appropriate schedule, consistency, independent […]

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should you try a dream feed

Dream Feeds

What’s a dream feed? Should you do it? When should you try a dream feed? When should you stop dream feeding? How do you get rid of a dream feed? I’m tackling all of your questions about dream feeds in this post.  What is a dream feed? A dream feed is when you go to […]

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Potty Training & Sleep

*Disclaimer: I am not a urologist or a potty training expert. But I do want to share what I’ve seen and experienced in working with toddlers’ and preschoolers’ sleep. If you follow me, you know that I am a HUGE proponent for keeping your child in their crib until AT LEAST 3 years of age. […]

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Transition Out Of The Swaddle

This big transition naturally comes up a lot with my newborn clients and I thought a blog post would be helpful to walk you through your options! *This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my privacy and disclosure statement for more information. First off, lets talk about WHY we swaddle in the first place! Swaddling is […]

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What You Need To Know About The Rock ‘n Play

UPDATE: As of 4/12/2019 all models of the Fisher Price Rock ‘n Play have been recalled. If you own one of these you can visit this link to determine your course of action. I’ll be honest, I’m a little nervous to even broach this subject but I feel it is VERY important to give you […]

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The Case For Sleep

A remark I often hear from sleep coaching critics is: If my child is really designed to sleep well overnight without assistance or frequent wakings, why would it be so hard to achieve this?  Basically, they are coming at it from a natural approach, which I can understand. If our babies biologically need this much […]

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Travel & Sleep

Below are my top 3 tips for surviving your next trip with your independent little sleepers! *This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my privacy and disclosure statement for more information. Recreate the Routine and Environment I am not ashamed to admit that we have used many different setups when it comes to recreating the routine […]

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Sleep Coaching: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

I have come across many parents who find out that I’m a pediatric sleep consultant, and they tell me how much sleep training changed their life and their baby’s life for the better. On the other hand, I also come across parents who find out what I do and run the other direction or worse, […]

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Blackout EZ Product Review

Disclaimer: Blackout EZ sent me two window covers for free to try. This post also contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to make a purchase, I will earn a commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions are my own and you can trust that I would vouch for these products regardless […]

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Why Won’t My Baby Sleep Through The Night?

As a pediatric sleep consultant, I often hear this simple question: Why Won’t My Baby Sleep Through The Night? Now, if you are a parent who has asked this, you know that the myriad of answers you will hear can be confusing, defeating, and just downright overwhelming! With this article, I hope to simplify and […]

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