should i sleep train

Should I sleep train? (How to know when you’re ready)

Starting to sleep training may feel like the next right step. But if you’re not ready… it’s not going to be pretty. I’m going to walk you through my sleep training readiness checklist so you know if you’re ready for this big transition. But before we jump into this readiness checklist, let’s talk about what […]

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my baby is sick what do i do about sleep?

My baby is sick. What do I do about sleep?

Baby sleep and sickness… nothing can mess up a good sleep routine like a sick child! And boy do kids get sick a lot. I remember, before I had kids, how I would brag about never getting sick. Now my kids (and myself) wind up sick multiple times each winter! Getting sick is also a […]

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baby sleep regressions

The low-down on baby sleep regressions

When do baby sleep regressions happen? How long do sleep regressions last?! Why do sleep regressions suck so bad?! All questions I receive in frantic emails and DMs. If you’re stressing about baby sleep regressions, please know you are not alone. These things happens and they can be oh so frustrating to get through. Imagine […]

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kidstible sleep trainer lamp

5 reasons I love this toddler sleep trainer lamp

I could not *love* this toddler sleep trainer lamp from Kidstible more! It checks all my boxes and guys, I am picky! So I can’t wait to share it’s features with you! Let’s get your child sleeping until a decent time in the morning, shall we?!     *This post may contain affiliate links. Please […]

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questions before sleep training

Four questions to ponder before sleep training

I talk with many families when they are in the midst of deciding whether or not to sleep train. Today I offer 4 questions you should be pondering and thinking about before you take the plunge and decide to sleep train 4 questions: 1. How do I feel about crying? 2. Am I ready to […]

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misconcetions about safe sleep

6 Misconceptions about safe sleep

October is Safe Sleep month and SIDS Awareness month so we thought it would be helpful to go over the 6 common misconceptions we hear about safe sleep. We also talk about the difference between SIDS (also known as SUID) and ASSB. 6 Misconceptions: 1. If I don’t room share, my baby is at a […]

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night time fears

Dos and don’ts of dealing with night time fears

It seems like so many different factors in your child’s life can cause sleep disruptions. But night time fears can leave you feeling really unprepared and unsure how to deal. Our goal with this podcast is to educate you on some big dos and don’ts so you feel slightly more prepared when those night time […]

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top 5 things you need to know about newborn sleep

Top 5 things you need to know about newborn sleep

Is there anything harder than dealing with newborn sleep? In this episode, Kayla and Carianna commiserate about their experiences with their newborns. Then Carianna shares the top 5 things you need to know about your newborn and how their sleep works. These tips will help you start off with your newborn on the right foot! […]

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why do babies nap?

Why do babies nap?

Have you ever wondered why babies naps in the first place? In this episode I break down the 2 systems that govern our sleep and specifically the one that influences napping behavior. If you’re a science nerd or just like to learn the why behind certain things, you’ll love this episode!   Nap Training Mini […]

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Baby sleep question & answer

In this latest episode Carianna answers your baby sleep questions! To leave your own question to be answered on a future episode, use this link: We cover everything from dropping night feeds and the swaddle to tackling early wakings! Early waking mini course Sleep coaching crash course Everything page Click here for a quick […]

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