5 lies you've been told about sleep training

5 lies you’ve been told about sleep training

If you’ve spent any time researching baby sleep, you’ve probably come across some opinions about sleep training. And let’s be honest—some of them can sound pretty extreme. ❌ “Sleep training is just ignoring your baby.” ❌ “It’s a traumatic experience.” ❌ “It’s only a thing because of modern society and the patriarchy.” But here’s the […]

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Expectations vs. Reality When It Comes to Sleep Training

Expectations vs. reality when it comes to sleep training

Sleep training expectations… ah, the blissful world of dreams and ideal scenarios! While it’s tempting to live in a bubble of wishful thinking when it comes to baby and toddler sleep, the reality can be quite different. 🤪 If you’ve been diving into the sea of information on sleep training, you might be swimming with […]

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Shut down syndrome during sleep training is not a thing

Let’s play a little game: 1 Truth and 1 Lie! When you sleep train, your baby just learns to shut down. ❌ Shutdown syndrome is not real. ✅ If you’ve heard the term “shutdown syndrome,” you’re not alone. Many parents fear that sleep training will lead to their babies emotionally “shutting down.” That they’ll only […]

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sleep training & attachment

Sleep training & attachment: what’s the research say?

“Won’t sleep training hurt my attachment?” This is a very common misconception about sleep training so I’m happy to clear it up and provide specific research.   First things first, from the research we have on sleep training, there have been NO negative effects on attachment found. Could we do with more research? Always! Now, […]

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best age to sleep train

The best age to sleep train your baby

Are you a parent wondering about the best age to start sleep training your baby? It’s a common concern that plagues many parents, but the answer may be simpler than you think. Let’s delve into this often debated topic and shed some light on the best age to embark on the journey of sleep training. […]

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drowsy but awake

Why I don’t recommend drowsy but awake

Yup, I’m saying it. Drowsy but awake doesn’t work for most families. 🤷‍♀️   Right off the bat I know that there will be someone commenting that they successfully implemented drowsy but awake – and I’m happy for them! But after talking with thousands of parents, I can tell you it does NOT work for […]

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anti sleep training

5 things the anti sleep training community gets wrong

If you’ve done any searching about baby sleep and sleep training, no doubt you’ve come across the anti sleep training community. It can be so confusing and conflicting to read all the different opinions out there. I don’t feel it’s my job to convince anyone of what route they should take with their babies BUT […]

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never wake a sleeping baby

4 times you should wake a sleeping baby

We’ve all heard this piece of advice before, “Never wake a sleeping baby!” and as a sleep consultant I’ve gotten appalled looks when I confess you actually SHOULD wake a sleeping baby sometimes. I thought it’d be helpful to lay out all the reasons and situations where waking a sleeping baby is the right move. […]

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is baby sleep developmental

Is baby sleep developmental?

Is baby sleep developmental? How do we respond to people who claim baby sleep is developmental? This was a recent question in my DMs and I realized I needed more space to unpack this question! This blog will walk through this popular question and the many different rabbit holes that correspond to answering it.   […]

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What our moms have to say about sleep

After spending so much time talking about sleep, we thought it’d be fun to get our moms on the podcast and hear their perspectives! We dive into: -How they handled sleep as parents -If they faced any unwanted sleep advice when we were babies -What their perspective was regarding how we handled sleep with our […]

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