why bedtime battles happen

Why bedtime battles happen—and how to end them for good

Wondering why bedtime battles happen? If you’re negotiating with your child at bedtime every night, I’ve got some tough love for you… You are the problem. Not your child. I know, that stings a little. But hear me out—because the good news is, that means you also have the power to fix it.   Why […]

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2 Reasons to Rethink Using the Talk Back Feature on Your Baby Monitor

2 reasons to skip the talk back feature on your baby monitor

Why you might want to skip the talk back feature on your baby monitor… *This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my privacy and disclosure statement for more information. Baby monitors have become a must-have for modern parents, offering peace of mind and a chance to peek in on your little one without disturbing their rest. […]

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one simple tip to make toddler bedtimes smoother

One simple tip to make toddler bedtime routines smoother

Hey there, toddler moms! Let’s have some real talk about toddler bedtime routines… We all know that bedtime can be a struggle. There are a million reasons your little one might resist sleep, but I’m here to share one super simple tip that could make a huge difference in your toddler’s bedtime routine. Are you […]

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4 signs that you and baby need a change

4 signs you and baby need a sleep change

Do you and baby need a sleep change? As a parent, it’s not uncommon to hit a rough patch when it comes to sleep. If you’re noticing some unusual behaviors in your baby or feeling more exhausted than usual, it might be time for a change. Here are four signs that you and your little […]

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toddler sleep problems is this just a phase

Toddler sleep problems: Is this just a phase?

Truth bomb incoming, tired mama: toddler sleep problems are not just a phase. While it’s easy to dismiss sleepless nights and fussy bedtimes as something that will simply resolve itself over time, the reality is that these sleep phases can quickly morph into lasting habits. So, if you’re hoping for a magical solution that allows […]

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Crying is not a fire that needs to be extinguished

Crying is not a fire that needs to be extinguished

As parents, we often feel an instinctive need to intervene when we hear our child cry. It’s almost like a reflex—our hearts race, and we leap into action, ready to put out what we perceive as a fire. But what if I told you that crying isn’t a fire that needs to be extinguished immediately? […]

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don't tell your toddler it's bedtime because it's dark out

Don’t tell your toddler it’s bedtime because it’s dark outside

As parents, we often find ourselves on autopilot during the evening routine, and sometimes our words slip out without much thought. One phrase that many parents commonly use is, “It’s dark outside, so it’s time for bed.” While it might seem like a convenient explanation in the moment, I’m here to tell you why this […]

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is an early bedtime really the solution to early wakings

Is an earlier bedtime really the answer to solving early wakings?

Perhaps you’ve heard this sleep tip before: “Pull bedtime earlier if you are dealing with early morning wakings.” I know, I know. It sounds crazy but in many cases, an earlier bedtime can actually *help* with early morning wakings. If you feel skeptical, you’re not alone. Let’s walk through this piece of sleep advice below […]

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why you shouldn't threaten an early bedtime

Why you shouldn’t threaten an early bedtime

I made a big sleep mistake with my kids over the weekend… I threatened an early bedtime because I was frustrated. It was Saturday afternoon, and my boys had spent the previous night at their grandparents’ house. They’d stayed up late, had a full day, and by the afternoon, they were constantly bickering. I knew […]

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