how to wean off the pacifier for sleep

How to wean off the pacifier for sleep

*This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my privacy and disclosure statement for more information. Weaning your child off the pacifier can feel like a daunting task, especially when it comes to sleep. After all, that little comfort object has likely become a key part of your child’s bedtime routine. But as much as […]

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help! is my toddler really done napping?

Help! Is my toddler really done napping?

I get this dreaded question on a weekly basis from my followers. I know the fear it can strike in the hearts of mothers when their toddler suddenly stops napping. It causes us to go into catastrophe mode and worry that they will never ever nap again! But, I’m here to bring some calm, reason, […]

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bedtime snack toddlers

3 tips for offering a bedtime snack for toddlers

To bedtime snack or not to bedtime snack, that is the question. Here are some bedtime snack tips that I’ve put together with Alyssa, the dietitian behind    Bedtime snack for toddlers tip #1 If you offer a bedtime snack, it should be offered consistently as a “built in” part of your nightly routine. […]

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how to handle parental preference at bedtime

How to handle parental preference at bedtime

If you’re a parent, you either know the feeling of being the preferred parent and then only one who can put your child to bed…. Or you know the feeling of being the non-preferred parent and therefore unable to help much at bedtime. Honestly, both of these feelings suck.   The preferred parent gets touched […]

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white noise to sleep

Common questions & concerns about using white noise to sleep

White noise can make such a difference when it comes to your child’s sleep. But with it’s use comes a lot of questions and concerns. This post is designed to answer the most common questions I get about white noise so you can make an informed decision for your family. *This post may contain affiliate […]

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tough love sleep training

Tough love I would share with a friend who needed to sleep train

Not everyone needs to sleep train. It’s not for every family and that’s 100% okay! But if you (or someone you know) desperately needs a sleep change but is stalling on sleep training, keep reading. Add some tough love into your world that will help you address your baby’s sleep issues without the BS that […]

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baby cries at bedtime

Baby cries at bedtime? Let’s talk about why…

Whether you have a little baby or a preschooler, you may be experiencing tears at bedtime right now. As frustrating as it is, I want to encourage you that this can be totally normal and there are several reasons WHY your child may be feeling some big emotions come bedtime. Let’s look at 4 things […]

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best age to sleep train

The best age to sleep train your baby

Are you a parent wondering about the best age to start sleep training your baby? It’s a common concern that plagues many parents, but the answer may be simpler than you think. Let’s delve into this often debated topic and shed some light on the best age to embark on the journey of sleep training. […]

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sleep sacks for your tall child

8 sleep sacks for your tall child

Join me as I break down 8 sleep sacks for your tall child. It can be hard to find sleep sacks that are long enough for your toddler & preschooler but I want to help take out some of the guesswork for you! Let’s go over these longer options on the market today and I’ll […]

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drowsy but awake

Why I don’t recommend drowsy but awake

Yup, I’m saying it. Drowsy but awake doesn’t work for most families. 🤷‍♀️   Right off the bat I know that there will be someone commenting that they successfully implemented drowsy but awake – and I’m happy for them! But after talking with thousands of parents, I can tell you it does NOT work for […]

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