drowsy but awake

Why I don’t recommend drowsy but awake

Yup, I’m saying it. Drowsy but awake doesn’t work for most families. 🤷‍♀️   Right off the bat I know that there will be someone commenting that they successfully implemented drowsy but awake – and I’m happy for them! But after talking with thousands of parents, I can tell you it does NOT work for […]

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anti sleep training

5 things the anti sleep training community gets wrong

If you’ve done any searching about baby sleep and sleep training, no doubt you’ve come across the anti sleep training community. It can be so confusing and conflicting to read all the different opinions out there. I don’t feel it’s my job to convince anyone of what route they should take with their babies BUT […]

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4 month sleep regression

4 month regression do’s and don’ts

Have you heard of the 4 month regression? My guess is, if you’re reading this blog- you probably have. 🙂 I find parents usually fall into one of two categories: Either they’ve heard about the 4 month sleep regression and they’ve been just waiting for and stressing for when baby’s sleep will get worse… Or […]

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reframe your thoughts about crying

Re-frame your thoughts about crying

Crying is the single biggest reason why people are hesitant to work on improving sleep with their children. And I get it! Just because I’m a sleep consultant that does not mean that I relish making children cry (I’m not a monster)…. BUT I do think that as a whole, our society has gone a […]

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4 steps to better baby sleep

Spoiler alert, I don’t believe in sleep secrets! Okay, well, I wish that I could just hand you a magic wand and you would magically have a great sleeper. It just doesn’t work that way. However, I do believe that there are some foundational puzzle pieces that are very important if we’re wanting to improve […]

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What our moms have to say about sleep

After spending so much time talking about sleep, we thought it’d be fun to get our moms on the podcast and hear their perspectives! We dive into: -How they handled sleep as parents -If they faced any unwanted sleep advice when we were babies -What their perspective was regarding how we handled sleep with our […]

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should i sleep train

Should I sleep train? (How to know when you’re ready)

Starting to sleep training may feel like the next right step. But if you’re not ready… it’s not going to be pretty. I’m going to walk you through my sleep training readiness checklist so you know if you’re ready for this big transition. But before we jump into this readiness checklist, let’s talk about what […]

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questions before sleep training

Four questions to ponder before sleep training

I talk with many families when they are in the midst of deciding whether or not to sleep train. Today I offer 4 questions you should be pondering and thinking about before you take the plunge and decide to sleep train 4 questions: 1. How do I feel about crying? 2. Am I ready to […]

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