why we're obsessed with sleep environments

Why I’m obsessed with sleep environments

In case you didn’t know, we’re kind of obsessed with sleep environments around here. As a pediatric sleep consultant, I see firsthand what a difference the right environment can make. As moms, we love our sleep and have learned that an ideal sleep environment lends itself to better sleep for the whole family! Listen in […]

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how to handle separation anxiety like a boss

How to handle separation anxiety like a boss

Nobody likes separation anxiety. Not the parent, not the child, and definitely not the person you are passing your child off too! Unfortunately it’s just one of those growing pains for children that we all go through. Listen in as Kayla and I share our own experiences with separation anxiety and leave you with some […]

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troubleshooting bedtime routine issues

Troubleshooting bedtime routine issues

Bedtime routines are KEY to healthy sleep habits. But when we start talking about establishing routines around sleep, there are several issues that pop up. Join us as we talk through troubleshooting for these common issues: Parental preference at bedtime Feeding to sleep association Screen usage before bedtime   Sleep Coaching Crash Course (4-24 months) […]

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sleep training research

Sleep training: what does the research say about it?

Please don’t hear me say you HAVE to sleep train. That’s not the point of this post.  I just want to make sure you know that if you CHOOSE to sleep train, the research is on our side.    We have lots of studies on sleep training, it’s effectiveness and its outcomes. Could we use […]

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How to handle time changes when you travel

Traveling with little ones can be HARD. But if you’re factoring in time changes while traveling, that’s a whole other bag of worms. Anyone else’s brain hurt when thinking about time changes? This is a question I come across a lot so I took some to put together my top tips for you! *This post […]

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Sleep Coaching Methods

A common concern I hear is: “How do I teach my baby to fall asleep without my help?” The answer, “Sleep coaching!” Now, there is WAY more to sleep coaching than just the sleep coaching method that you use but I thought it would be helpful to share my run down of the different options.

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how to handle nightmares and night fears

How to handle nightmares and night fears

It seems like so many different factors in your child’s life can cause sleep disruptions. My goal with this blog is to educate you on how to handle nightmares and night fears so that you and your child feel prepared and empowered to take them on! Let’s start with talking about night fears and how […]

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developing quiet time for your toddler or preschooler

Developing Quiet Time for Your Toddler or Preschooler

As I type this post, my 3 and 5 year old are having their daily quiet time in their rooms. When I tell people that my boys have this time daily for about 2 hours, most parents are amazed and ask, “How can I get my child to stay in their room quietly for quiet […]

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Sleep “Regressions”

Imagine this with me: Your baby has been getting into a sleeping rhythm. You can almost predict when he will wake from his naps, how long it will take him to fall asleep at bedtime, and what time he will wake at night to feed, if at all. Then, out of nowhere, his sleep gets […]

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