A remark I often hear from sleep coaching critics is: If my child is really designed to sleep well overnight without assistance or frequent wakings, why would it be so hard to achieve this?
Basically, they are coming at it from a natural approach, which I can understand. If our babies biologically need this much consolidated sleep, won't they get it on their own without our interference? You'll often hear these same people swear by the rule of: Never wake a sleeping baby (P.S. I've busted that out-of-date myth here)
In response to these remarks, I like to use the analogy of lactation consultants.
What does a lactation consultant do? They provide clinical support to breastfeeding mothers. I would guess that many of you reading this now have worked with or at the very least had an LC come see you in the hospital after you had your baby. Lactation consultants serve a very important purpose!
One of my biggest regrets with my own breastfeeding journey is that I didn't reach out to an LC for more help. I struggled a LOT with nursing, and I know an LC could have been a huge support for me and my babies.
But wait a second... isn't breastfeeding natural? Doesn't my baby have a biological need to eat? If my baby is hungry, they will just eat and get the milk out, right? I shouldn't have to interfere or seek help in order to meet my baby's basic need for nutrition right?
It's not that simple is it? Just because your baby isn't feeding well at the breast, that does not mean their need for nutrition isn't important! Same thing with sleep. Just because your baby isn't sleeping well, that does not mean their need for sleep isn't important!
Honestly, I equate nutrition needs to sleep needs a lot. Both play essential roles in our health and well-being. You wouldn't feed your baby or toddler or preschooler junk food constantly, so why have we settled for giving our children junk sleep? It just doesn't make sense.
As a certified pediatric sleep consultant, I help families get sleep back on track. Sometimes it's as simple as a schedule tweak. Other times it's more complex and involves re-teaching your child to fall asleep without that extra assistance.
No matter what end of the spectrum you fall on, I am knowledgeable about pediatric sleep and my heart is in serving the families who reach out for help. I don't want to see your child OR you be subject to junk sleep and I'll walk alongside you as we make the necessary changes.
For all you researching mamas out there and to further make my case, I've included several studies below that show us just how important sleep and our sleep routines are for your growing baby:
Sleep and Memory
Sleep and Obesity
Sleep and Emotional Disorders
Sleep and Cognition & Growth
Sleep and Behavioral Problems
Overall Sleep Benefits
If you need to make a positive sleep change for your child and for your family, apply to work with me. I'd love to chat with you about your situation and how to move forward!
Remember: Just because something is natural and good for your child does not mean it's going to come naturally or easily.