transition from bassinet to crib

Transition from bassinet to crib

Trust me on this you guys, don’t make this transition from bassinet to crib more complicated than you need to! There is very little difference between your little one sleeping in a bassinet and a crib. Figure out when you’re going to do it, prep for it, and then do it. Give your baby some […]

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how to handle parental preference at bedtime

How to handle parental preference at bedtime

If you’re a parent, you either know the feeling of being the preferred parent and then only one who can put your child to bed…. Or you know the feeling of being the non-preferred parent and therefore unable to help much at bedtime. Honestly, both of these feelings suck.   The preferred parent gets touched […]

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white noise to sleep

Common questions & concerns about using white noise to sleep

White noise can make such a difference when it comes to your child’s sleep. But with it’s use comes a lot of questions and concerns. This post is designed to answer the most common questions I get about white noise so you can make an informed decision for your family. *This post may contain affiliate […]

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sleep training & attachment

Sleep training & attachment: what’s the research say?

“Won’t sleep training hurt my attachment?” This is a very common misconception about sleep training so I’m happy to clear it up and provide specific research.   First things first, from the research we have on sleep training, there have been NO negative effects on attachment found. Could we do with more research? Always! Now, […]

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tough love sleep training

Tough love I would share with a friend who needed to sleep train

Not everyone needs to sleep train. It’s not for every family and that’s 100% okay! But if you (or someone you know) desperately needs a sleep change but is stalling on sleep training, keep reading. Add some tough love into your world that will help you address your baby’s sleep issues without the BS that […]

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baby cries at bedtime

Baby cries at bedtime? Let’s talk about why…

Whether you have a little baby or a preschooler, you may be experiencing tears at bedtime right now. As frustrating as it is, I want to encourage you that this can be totally normal and there are several reasons WHY your child may be feeling some big emotions come bedtime. Let’s look at 4 things […]

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decide to sleep train

You get to choose your hard

Whatever way you slice it, parenting is just plain hard. There are no hacks or tips that can fully eliminate the struggles. And when you add sleep deprivation on top of it all, it can feel unbearable at times. Caring for your little one every day… Trying to succeed at work or at home… Managing […]

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best age to sleep train

The best age to sleep train your baby

Are you a parent wondering about the best age to start sleep training your baby? It’s a common concern that plagues many parents, but the answer may be simpler than you think. Let’s delve into this often debated topic and shed some light on the best age to embark on the journey of sleep training. […]

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partner help with night wakings

5 ways your partner can help with night wakings

Recently, I had a call with a mom and she expressed to me that if we worked together, her husband wouldn’t be available to help with night wakings because he had to go to work during the day and she didn’t- she just stayed home with the kids. Plus she had been handling all the […]

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drowsy but awake

Why I don’t recommend drowsy but awake

Yup, I’m saying it. Drowsy but awake doesn’t work for most families. 🤷‍♀️   Right off the bat I know that there will be someone commenting that they successfully implemented drowsy but awake – and I’m happy for them! But after talking with thousands of parents, I can tell you it does NOT work for […]

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sleep disordered breathing

Sleep disordered breathing: red flags to look for

You may or may not know but my family has had 2 bonus kiddos with us over the past year. And with that has come new experience and insight into sleep disordered breathing.   Both of our bonus kiddos have been through sleep studies and eventually tonsillectomies and adenoidectomies. This led me to realize that […]

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baby reverse cycling

Baby reverse cycling: what it is and how to fix it

Do you find yourself offering your baby a feed every time they wake up at night, even though they have shown that they can go longer without one? This may be a sign that your baby is experiencing reverse cycling. Reverse cycling is a term used to describe when a baby starts waking more frequently […]

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daycare nap struggles

Help daycare is moving baby to 1 nap but they aren’t ready!

Struggling with daycare naps? Is your baby enrolled in daycare and you were just informed that they are moving up to the toddler room and switching to a 1 nap schedule? And you’re thinking, “But they’re only 10 months! They can’t handle 1 nap!”    Well fortunately (and unfortunately), you’re not alone if you’re experiencing […]

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anti sleep training

5 things the anti sleep training community gets wrong

If you’ve done any searching about baby sleep and sleep training, no doubt you’ve come across the anti sleep training community. It can be so confusing and conflicting to read all the different opinions out there. I don’t feel it’s my job to convince anyone of what route they should take with their babies BUT […]

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never wake a sleeping baby

4 times you should wake a sleeping baby

We’ve all heard this piece of advice before, “Never wake a sleeping baby!” and as a sleep consultant I’ve gotten appalled looks when I confess you actually SHOULD wake a sleeping baby sometimes. I thought it’d be helpful to lay out all the reasons and situations where waking a sleeping baby is the right move. […]

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holiday sleep tips for baby

Holiday sleep tips for baby

  *This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my privacy and disclosure statement for more information.   Looking for holiday sleep tips for baby? You’ve come to the right place! Holiday season is upon us and I know sleep can be so triggering for many moms because you never know what to expect and how baby […]

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sample sleep schedules

Baby sample sleep schedules

Baby sample sleep schedules are here! I’ve had many requests for a blog like this over the years but I have to admit, I’ve been reluctant to make it. Not because I’m sitting on some kind of top-secret information but because I’ve seen many parents stress themselves out trying to follow an arbitrary schedule online. […]

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is baby sleep developmental

Is baby sleep developmental?

Is baby sleep developmental? How do we respond to people who claim baby sleep is developmental? This was a recent question in my DMs and I realized I needed more space to unpack this question! This blog will walk through this popular question and the many different rabbit holes that correspond to answering it.   […]

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3 things you need to know before a nap transition

3 things to know BEFORE a nap transition

So you think you’re headed for a nap transition, huh? Well, before you jump in, here are three things I wish EVERY parent knew before making the move to drop a nap. Let’s dive in! As a quick aside, if you are ready for a nap transition, I highly recommend checking out my comprehensive Nap […]

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4 month sleep regression

4 month regression do’s and don’ts

Have you heard of the 4 month regression? My guess is, if you’re reading this blog- you probably have. 🙂 I find parents usually fall into one of two categories: Either they’ve heard about the 4 month sleep regression and they’ve been just waiting for and stressing for when baby’s sleep will get worse… Or […]

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baby sleepwear

Let’s chat sleepwear for your littles!

Today’s blog and podcast is all about sleepwear. Whether you’ve got a newborn, baby, toddler, or preschooler- we’ve got you covered! I get into the details of what your child should wear to sleep, when your child should wear special sleepwear, and why! I also offer all my product recommendations depending on what stage of […]

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reframe your thoughts about crying

Re-frame your thoughts about crying

Crying is the single biggest reason why people are hesitant to work on improving sleep with their children. And I get it! Just because I’m a sleep consultant that does not mean that I relish making children cry (I’m not a monster)…. BUT I do think that as a whole, our society has gone a […]

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4 steps to better baby sleep

Spoiler alert, I don’t believe in sleep secrets! Okay, well, I wish that I could just hand you a magic wand and you would magically have a great sleeper. It just doesn’t work that way. However, I do believe that there are some foundational puzzle pieces that are very important if we’re wanting to improve […]

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how to have a life with naps

How to have a life with naps

How to have a life with naps… you might be surprised by our advice! We chat about managing expectations for naps on the go, the 80/20 rule, and we give you permission to do whatever works best for you and your family!   Relevant product links for napping on the go-     Available […]

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short naps checklist

Short Naps Checklist

Today I’m sharing my short naps checklist with you! I recently received this question from one of my followers: “Help! My 8 month old only takes 30 minutes naps! Her naps are always 30 minutes, right on the dot! How do I get past these short naps?” I get this question a lot so I […]

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What our moms have to say about sleep

After spending so much time talking about sleep, we thought it’d be fun to get our moms on the podcast and hear their perspectives! We dive into: -How they handled sleep as parents -If they faced any unwanted sleep advice when we were babies -What their perspective was regarding how we handled sleep with our […]

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should i sleep train

Should I sleep train? (How to know when you’re ready)

Starting to sleep training may feel like the next right step. But if you’re not ready… it’s not going to be pretty. I’m going to walk you through my sleep training readiness checklist so you know if you’re ready for this big transition. But before we jump into this readiness checklist, let’s talk about what […]

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my baby is sick what do i do about sleep?

My baby is sick. What do I do about sleep?

Baby sleep and sickness… nothing can mess up a good sleep routine like a sick child! And boy do kids get sick a lot. I remember, before I had kids, how I would brag about never getting sick. Now my kids (and myself) wind up sick multiple times each winter! Getting sick is also a […]

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baby sleep regressions

The low-down on baby sleep regressions

When do baby sleep regressions happen? How long do sleep regressions last?! Why do sleep regressions suck so bad?! All questions I receive in frantic emails and DMs. If you’re stressing about baby sleep regressions, please know you are not alone. These things happens and they can be oh so frustrating to get through. Imagine […]

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questions before sleep training

Four questions to ponder before sleep training

I talk with many families when they are in the midst of deciding whether or not to sleep train. Today I offer 4 questions you should be pondering and thinking about before you take the plunge and decide to sleep train 4 questions: 1. How do I feel about crying? 2. Am I ready to […]

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misconcetions about safe sleep

6 Misconceptions about safe sleep

October is Safe Sleep month and SIDS Awareness month so we thought it would be helpful to go over the 6 common misconceptions we hear about safe sleep. We also talk about the difference between SIDS (also known as SUID) and ASSB. 6 Misconceptions: 1. If I don’t room share, my baby is at a […]

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why do babies nap?

Why do babies nap?

Have you ever wondered why babies naps in the first place? In this episode I break down the 2 systems that govern our sleep and specifically the one that influences napping behavior. If you’re a science nerd or just like to learn the why behind certain things, you’ll love this episode!   Nap Training Mini […]

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Baby sleep question & answer

In this latest episode Carianna answers your baby sleep questions! To leave your own question to be answered on a future episode, use this link: We cover everything from dropping night feeds and the swaddle to tackling early wakings! Early waking mini course Sleep coaching crash course Everything page   Available on Apple Podcasts, […]

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why we're obsessed with sleep environments

Why I’m obsessed with sleep environments

In case you didn’t know, we’re kind of obsessed with sleep environments around here. As a pediatric sleep consultant, I see firsthand what a difference the right environment can make. As moms, we love our sleep and have learned that an ideal sleep environment lends itself to better sleep for the whole family! Listen in […]

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how to handle separation anxiety like a boss

How to handle separation anxiety like a boss

Nobody likes separation anxiety. Not the parent, not the child, and definitely not the person you are passing your child off too! Unfortunately it’s just one of those growing pains for children that we all go through. Listen in as Kayla and I share our own experiences with separation anxiety and leave you with some […]

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navigating new skills and sleep

Navigating new skills and sleep

Ever felt like sleep was going great… and then your child learned a brand new motor skill? It can be so frustrating but it is a normal part of that baby life unfortunately. Join us as we talk through troubleshooting for these common issues and how to handle them when they mess with sleep: •Rolling […]

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troubleshooting bedtime routine issues

Troubleshooting bedtime routine issues

Bedtime routines are KEY to healthy sleep habits. But when we start talking about establishing routines around sleep, there are several issues that pop up. Join us as we talk through troubleshooting for these common issues: Parental preference at bedtime Feeding to sleep association Screen usage before bedtime   Sleep Coaching Crash Course (4-24 months) […]

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five common baby sleep mistakes

Five common sleep mistakes

In this episode we break down the 5 common mistakes we see parents making when it comes to baby sleep: Not using wake windows Not using white noise Having a bright sleep environment Being inconsistent & Listening to too many different voices and opinions on sleep Free guide for determining proper wake windows Product recommendations […]

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sleep training research

Sleep training: what does the research say about it?

Please don’t hear me say you HAVE to sleep train. That’s not the point of this post.  I just want to make sure you know that if you CHOOSE to sleep train, the research is on our side.    We have lots of studies on sleep training, it’s effectiveness and its outcomes. Could we use […]

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How to handle time changes when you travel

Traveling with little ones can be HARD. But if you’re factoring in time changes while traveling, that’s a whole other bag of worms. Anyone else’s brain hurt when thinking about time changes? This is a question I come across a lot so I took some to put together my top tips for you! *This post […]

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safe sleep basics

Safe Sleep Basics

In my years working with families through their sleep issues, I’ve discovered that many don’t know the basics of safe sleep. There’s a lot of conflicting info out there and, let’s be honest, safe sleep rules are a little confusing! I’m going to break down the basics of safe baby sleep here as well as […]

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baby sleep myth 7

Sleep Myth #7: Sleep training is damaging

Are you ready for it? I admit, I’m a little nervous to post this because I’m sure the haters are going to come for me but it’s got to be said! 😂 This is a MYTH! Sleep training is NOT damaging. Do people have opinions about sleep training being damaging? Yup. Will you find blogs […]

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baby sleep myth 6

Sleep Myth #6: Keep baby up late and they’ll sleep in

😵‍💫I know, I know. It sounds crazy but in many cases, an earlier bedtime can actually HELP with early morning wakings. Stick with me here… 🌚A bedtime that is too late can lead to an overtired child that struggles to fall asleep, is more likely to wake throughout the night, AND wake early in the […]

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Sleep myth #5: Never wake a sleeping baby

I get it. It’s never fun to wake up a sleeping baby. But I can think of several examples of times that it just makes sense to wake a sleeping baby. And I’ve given this advice to many clients when it’s necessary. 🤷‍♀️ Here are some reasons why I might tell you to wake your […]

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baby sleep myth 3

Sleep Myth #3: Sleep training increases SIDS

Ok seriously. If someone tells you this, I want you to stop and turn the other way. ✨Do not take sleep advice from this person as they are showing a lack of fundamental sleep knowledge✨ Night wakings are biologically normal. There is nothing- I repeat- NOTHING we can do to stop these wakings. Nor would […]

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baby sleep myth 1

Sleep myth #1: Put cereal in baby bottle, they’ll sleep longer!

“Put cereal in baby bottle and they’ll sleep better!” Who has heard this sleep myth before?🙋‍♀️ Before we even start, I’m sure someone reading this was able to add cereal to their baby’s bottle and it helped them sleep longer. That’s great if it worked, but in a majority of cases it doesn’t and it […]

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