tough love sleep training

Tough love I would share with a friend who needed to sleep train

Not everyone needs to sleep train. It’s not for every family and that’s 100% okay! But if you (or someone you know) desperately needs a sleep change but is stalling on sleep training, keep reading. Add some tough love into your world that will help you address your baby’s sleep issues without the BS that […]

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decide to sleep train

You get to choose your hard

Whatever way you slice it, parenting is just plain hard. There are no hacks or tips that can fully eliminate the struggles. And when you add sleep deprivation on top of it all, it can feel unbearable at times. Caring for your little one every day… Trying to succeed at work or at home… Managing […]

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partner help with night wakings

5 ways your partner can help with night wakings

Recently, I had a call with a mom and she expressed to me that if we worked together, her husband wouldn’t be available to help with night wakings because he had to go to work during the day and she didn’t- she just stayed home with the kids. Plus she had been handling all the […]

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anti sleep training

5 things the anti sleep training community gets wrong

If you’ve done any searching about baby sleep and sleep training, no doubt you’ve come across the anti sleep training community. It can be so confusing and conflicting to read all the different opinions out there. I don’t feel it’s my job to convince anyone of what route they should take with their babies BUT […]

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ten sleep tips for mom

Ten sleep tips for mom

That’s right, this blog (& podcast) is to help YOU sleep better! You know I love talking baby & toddler sleep but it’s also important that us moms take care of ourselves too. In the blog below I talk through 10 simple tips to get you sleeping better at night. Happy sleeping!   *This post […]

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What our moms have to say about sleep

After spending so much time talking about sleep, we thought it’d be fun to get our moms on the podcast and hear their perspectives! We dive into: -How they handled sleep as parents -If they faced any unwanted sleep advice when we were babies -What their perspective was regarding how we handled sleep with our […]

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should i sleep train

Should I sleep train? (How to know when you’re ready)

Starting to sleep training may feel like the next right step. But if you’re not ready… it’s not going to be pretty. I’m going to walk you through my sleep training readiness checklist so you know if you’re ready for this big transition. But before we jump into this readiness checklist, let’s talk about what […]

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questions before sleep training

Four questions to ponder before sleep training

I talk with many families when they are in the midst of deciding whether or not to sleep train. Today I offer 4 questions you should be pondering and thinking about before you take the plunge and decide to sleep train 4 questions: 1. How do I feel about crying? 2. Am I ready to […]

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sleep training research

Sleep training: what does the research say about it?

Please don’t hear me say you HAVE to sleep train. That’s not the point of this post.  I just want to make sure you know that if you CHOOSE to sleep train, the research is on our side.    We have lots of studies on sleep training, it’s effectiveness and its outcomes. Could we use […]

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Why… Mama Needs Sleep Too!

I remember when I was pregnant with my first son and the overarching advice I heard was, “Get your sleep now while you can because once the baby comes you won’t be sleeping for years!” I quickly became annoyed with this advice and had to refrain myself from rolling my eyes whenever someone would offer […]

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