sleep disordered breathing

Sleep disordered breathing: red flags to look for

You may or may not know but my family has had 2 bonus kiddos with us over the past year. And with that has come new experience and insight into sleep disordered breathing.   Both of our bonus kiddos have been through sleep studies and eventually tonsillectomies and adenoidectomies. This led me to realize that […]

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baby reverse cycling

Baby reverse cycling: what it is and how to fix it

Do you find yourself offering your baby a feed every time they wake up at night, even though they have shown that they can go longer without one? This may be a sign that your baby is experiencing reverse cycling. Reverse cycling is a term used to describe when a baby starts waking more frequently […]

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never wake a sleeping baby

4 times you should wake a sleeping baby

We’ve all heard this piece of advice before, “Never wake a sleeping baby!” and as a sleep consultant I’ve gotten appalled looks when I confess you actually SHOULD wake a sleeping baby sometimes. I thought it’d be helpful to lay out all the reasons and situations where waking a sleeping baby is the right move. […]

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holiday sleep tips for baby

Holiday sleep tips for baby

  *This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my privacy and disclosure statement for more information.   Looking for holiday sleep tips for baby? You’ve come to the right place! Holiday season is upon us and I know sleep can be so triggering for many moms because you never know what to expect and how baby […]

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ten sleep tips for mom

Ten sleep tips for mom

That’s right, this blog (& podcast) is to help YOU sleep better! You know I love talking baby & toddler sleep but it’s also important that us moms take care of ourselves too. In the blog below I talk through 10 simple tips to get you sleeping better at night. Happy sleeping!   *This post […]

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4 month sleep regression

4 month regression do’s and don’ts

Have you heard of the 4 month regression? My guess is, if you’re reading this blog- you probably have. 🙂 I find parents usually fall into one of two categories: Either they’ve heard about the 4 month sleep regression and they’ve been just waiting for and stressing for when baby’s sleep will get worse… Or […]

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4 steps to better baby sleep

Spoiler alert, I don’t believe in sleep secrets! Okay, well, I wish that I could just hand you a magic wand and you would magically have a great sleeper. It just doesn’t work that way. However, I do believe that there are some foundational puzzle pieces that are very important if we’re wanting to improve […]

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short naps checklist

Short Naps Checklist

Today I’m sharing my short naps checklist with you! I recently received this question from one of my followers: “Help! My 8 month old only takes 30 minutes naps! Her naps are always 30 minutes, right on the dot! How do I get past these short naps?” I get this question a lot so I […]

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my baby is sick what do i do about sleep?

My baby is sick. What do I do about sleep?

Baby sleep and sickness… nothing can mess up a good sleep routine like a sick child! And boy do kids get sick a lot. I remember, before I had kids, how I would brag about never getting sick. Now my kids (and myself) wind up sick multiple times each winter! Getting sick is also a […]

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why we're obsessed with sleep environments

Why I’m obsessed with sleep environments

In case you didn’t know, we’re kind of obsessed with sleep environments around here. As a pediatric sleep consultant, I see firsthand what a difference the right environment can make. As moms, we love our sleep and have learned that an ideal sleep environment lends itself to better sleep for the whole family! Listen in […]

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