Psst! Scroll to the very bottom to see my screen grabs for easy reference!
Eeek! Daylight Saving Time is ending, but it doesn't have to feel like the end of the world!
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I have 2 different plans of action below to help you survive this time shift:
Plan 1: Do Nothing
Plan 2: The 30 Minute Shift
Bonus Plan:
In case the 30 minute shift really has you freaking out, you can try 15 minute shifts instead. I would only recommend trying this if your baby is younger (under 1 year) and if you feel they are very sensitive to their schedule. Most well-rested children should be fine with the 30 Minute Shift.
You would use the above plan for 4 days and shift the schedule earlier by 15 minutes over 4 days. This one gets really complicated to explain and implement, and it's one of the reasons why I just prefer the 30 minute shift anyways! Get your pen and paper out if you decide to do 15 minutes! 🙂
With Daylight saving time ending, I can't let you go without reminding you to make sure your children's rooms are VERY dark!
What is 7am now will soon be 6am so go into your child's room 1 hour after they currently wake up and see how dark it is. Shut the door, turn off the lights, cover your windows however you typically cover them, and put your hand out. Can you see your hand? If you can, it's probably not dark enough! Any light that streams in acts like a signal to your child's brain that it's time to wake up.
If we don't want them waking too early, we have to troubleshoot to get that room nice and dark. Aluminum foil or garbage bags over the window are a great solution! If you are looking for a more permanent and aesthetically pleasing solution, I highly recommend BlackoutEZ window covers. We personally use them and they are awesome! You can read more about them HERE.
Got a toddler who already struggles with early waking? Check out these 2 toddler clocks I recommend:
The Kidstible Toddler Lamp- This sleep trainer lamp is designed that a battery and gradually fills up as the night goes on. When it's wake up time the battery is fully charged- just like your child! To read more about my personal review of this product (I own 3 and use each one in my home) check out 5 reasons I love this toddler sleep trainer lamp.
The Mella toddler clock- This sleep trainer clocks alerts your child with a green light when they can wake up and start their day. Take 10% off your purchase with my code: allthesleeps10
Good luck and if the end of Daylight saving time wrecked you, check out my Early Morning Waking mini course!
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