baby sleep myth 6
Why I don't recommend the DockATot

😵‍💫I know, I know. It sounds crazy but in many cases, an earlier bedtime can actually HELP with early morning wakings. Stick with me here...

🌚A bedtime that is too late can lead to an overtired child that struggles to fall asleep, is more likely to wake throughout the night, AND wake early in the morning upset and tired. This truth goes against common sense and what you may hear given as advice, but it's true. 🤯

🌞Below are loose guidelines I use based on your child's age. If you're struggling with early wakings, ideally you don't want your wake window before bed to be greater than the numbers below 👇👇

4 months- 2 hours
5 months- 2.25 hours
6 months- 2.5 hours
7 months- 3 hours
8 months- 3.25 hours
9-12 months- 3.5 hours
12-14 months- 4 hours
15+ months- 5-6 hours
For no nappers (3+ years of age)- Aim for 12-13 hours of total night sleep and plan your bedtime accordingly.

☀️If you are currently struggling with early wakings AND your window before bed is longer than I suggest above, give it a tweak!

late bedtime myth

Early wakings plaguing you no matter what you try? Check out my Early Waking Mini Course!

early waking sleep course


Related early waking post: 4 reasons your little one is waking early

late bedtime myth

Posted in Baby Sleep, Baby Sleep Myths.