Ok seriously. If someone tells you this, I want you to stop and turn the other way. ✨Do not take sleep advice from this person as they are showing a lack of fundamental sleep knowledge✨
Night wakings are biologically normal. There is nothing- I repeat- NOTHING we can do to stop these wakings. Nor would we want to, because they are protective wakings. For babies, toddlers, heck even for adults!
By sleep training we are simply giving your child the tools to put themselves back to sleep with ease instead of needing your help. They are also less likely to be jolted awake at these wakings if they find themselves in the same place/way they originally fell asleep in. 🤷♀️
So no. Sleep training will not put your child at an increased risk for SIDS and it certainly does not (cannot) "train away" those protective wakings. 🙄
Anyone else heard this sleep myth lately? I've noticed this is a newer one circulating these days...
sleep training increases sids
Related blog post- Sleep training: what the research actually says
sleep training increases sids
Thinking about sleep training? Check out my 1:1 service options and my sleep courses!