baby sleepwear
baby sleepwear

Today's blog and podcast is all about sleepwear. Whether you've got a newborn, baby, toddler, or preschooler- we've got you covered!

I get into the details of what your child should wear to sleep, when your child should wear special sleepwear, and why! I also offer all my product recommendations depending on what stage of life you're currently in.


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Swaddling can be SUCH a helpful tool for newborns. Here are some basic swaddling facts you should know:

1. Swaddling is great for newborn sleep because it reminds them of the womb! Your newborn loved the womb and if we can recreate that feeling of security and snugness, it will help!
2. Swaddling also prevents your newborn from being woken up by their Moro reflex. This reflex will fully integrate around 4 months so a swaddle can be helpful in the first few months of life to make the transition from womb to world easier.
3. Like all things, swaddling should be done in moderation. It's a great tool for sleep but when awake, we want your newborn to be free to move and play!
4. For safety reasons, I recommend you transition out of the swaddle at the very first signs of rolling.
5. When swaddled, babies hips should be loose and free to wiggle.
6. The swaddling material should not be up around baby's face.


Swaddle sleepwear I recommend:

Summer Infant Swaddle Me

Pros: Inexpensive, easy to use

These are my personal favorite!

Halo Swaddle

Pros: Easy to use, can also be used as a regular sleep sack once you're done swaddling

Cons: More expensive

Love 2 Dream

Pros: Good option for babies who hate swaddling

Cons: Most expensive

Swaddle Transition

Did you know there are several swaddle transition products that are designed to help you stop swaddling? Let's break them down below and if you need more specific help with that transition out of the swaddle- check out this blog too: How to transition out of the swaddle


Swaddle transition sleepwear I recommend:

Magic Merlin Sleepsuit

Pros: Very helpful if your baby still has a strong Moro reflex

Cons: Shouldn't use for very long because they prevent baby from rolling around and getting comfy. 5 months is the oldest I prefer to see babies in these suits.

Halo Swaddle to Sack

Pros: If you used this swaddle for you newborn, you can simply wrap the velcro piece around their chest while letting the arms be free! Get double the use out of this swaddle!

Zipadee Zip

Pros: Unique star fish design makes for an easier transition from the swaddle. This can also be used long term for many months so you'll really get your money's worth.

These are my personal favorite!

Sleep Sacks

Sleep sacks function as a wearable blanket. Since we don't want anything in the crib with baby (no blankets, pillows, etc.) these are a great way to give them that extra "blanket" layer while also keeping them safe. Plus, babies don't know how to keep a blanket on all night anyways!

These can also be great deterrents to keep your toddler from climbing out of their crib. Typically with one of these on they will not be able to hike a leg up and climb out.

Last thing I want you to know is that while sleep sacks are great tools, they are NOT a necessity for good sleep. You don't have to ever use a sleep sack if you don't want/need to!

Sleep sack sleepwear I recommend:

Carters Sleep Sack

Pros: Inexpensive, can often be found on clearance at Kohl's! Any sleep sack will do. Please don't feel like you need the fanciest of the fancy. 🙂

Zipadee Zip

Pros: Can be used well past the swaddle transition phase up to 24 months!

These are my personal favorite!

Toddler & Preschooler Sleep Wear

Once your child outgrows traditional sleep sacks, there are still options for keeping them warm at night. Many toddlers and preschoolers won't be able to effectively use sheets and covers until older so it's best to avoid that pitfall of repeatedly fixing their covers overnight and instead just use one of these sleepwear options below! For a more in-depth review of the longest sleep sacks I could find, see this blog here.


Toddler/preschooler sleepwear I recommend:

Halo XL Sleep Sack

Pros: Still trying to keep your toddler safely in a crib? These fit up to 40in and up to 36lbs!

Flying Squirrel

Pros: Still get that cozy feel of a sleep sack- but with the feet free! Comes in sizes up to 5T.

Halo Walker

Pros: Still get that cozy feel of a sleep sack- but with the feet free! Comes in sizes up to 5T.


Need more help than just sleepwear? Check out my resources for every age below:

Posted in Baby Sleep, Baby Sleep Products, New Baby, Newborn Sleep, Preschooler Sleep, Swaddling, Toddler Sleep.