I know you've all been patiently waiting for this list! I'm about to dish on all the products that you could ever possibly buy to improve your baby's sleep. You might be surprised by how FEW items are on my NEED list and which items I advice you not to waste your hard earned money on!
*This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my privacy and disclosure statement for more information.
Baby Sleep Products You NEED:
1. Velcro Swaddle
I recommend the Summer Infant SwaddleMe. They are cheap, and extremely functional! Your newborn is going to spend the first 2-3 months swaddled up tight so don't skip this important piece! If not this swaddle, then you will need some kind of swaddle for those first months, trust me. For more information on transitioning out of the swaddle, check out this helpful blog post.

The velcro makes it adjustable to size and helps keep your baby from breaking out. These are often sold at Babies R Us, Walmart, Target, and Amazon for $34.99 (3 Pack). Does it get much easier than that?
2. White Noise
You should use this from day 1! Your newborn is so used to being in constant loud, white noise from the womb. A white noise machine will comfort and settle them during those early weeks. It will go on to serve as a signal that sleep time is coming while blocking out house noises and encouraging your little one to connect sleep cycles. Do not underestimate the power of white noise. And for more information, see my recent blog post HERE.
One of my favorites is the LectroFan Micro. In fact, I personally own 2! They are small, portable, hold a charge for 12+ hours and pack a lot of sound for their size. But honestly, you can't go wrong with any of the Lectrofan sound machines. Check them out here.
3. Crib
This might seem like a no-brainer but ideally, your child will spend a majority of their sleeps in a crib from 0-3 years. There may be periods of time during the newborn stage where that is just not gonna happen, (believe me, I've been there) but we want your child to have their own separate sleep space. This is important not only for safe sleep but also for quality sleep for the whole family. If you choose to use a Pack 'N Play instead of a crib, that is perfectly okay too. Many Pack 'N Plays come with a bassinet attachment as well so you can get more bang for your buck!
4. Dark Room
Ok, so this one isn't really a product BUT I'll give you some examples of products that you can use to achieve this dark room. Again, this is a MUST people! That's why it's on the NEED list. Get your baby's sleep space DARK! Whether that is your room because you are room-sharing or your baby's own separate room, this is non-negotiable.
I often want to laugh (is that mean?) when I see beautiful nursery pictures with translucent flowy curtains. I'm sorry, but that is not reality and sooner or later those nursery aesthetics are going to be crushed with black out shades. Getting your windows blacked out doesn't have to make your nursery ugly, but it may cramp your style.
I highly recommend using BlackOut EZ Window Covers. We used them in my house, and I've even written up this lovely review and how-to HERE. We cover them with some beautiful faux wood blinds (which you'll see in the review) and the room looks amazing- and more importantly- it's pitch black.
You can also go the aluminum foil and duct tape route if that's more your style.
Okay! That's it for the NEED section. Told you it was short! Make these top 4 items a priority!
Baby Sleep Products You WANT

1. Video Monitor
I debated over putting this one in the NEEDS section but, truth be told, we didn't own a video monitor with my first and we only bought one about 7 months in with my second while sleep training. I do encourage parents to have a video monitor during sleep training, if possible. It helps to give peace of mind while we are giving our children space to fall asleep independently.
My own personal video monitor is no longer sold, but I'm all about saving money when you can and this VTech Video Baby Monitor is a great option that gets the job done without breaking the bank.
A more expensive option is the Infant Optics video monitor. From everyone I know that's used it, I've heard nothing but amazing things! It's got night vision, room temperature display, remote pan/tilt/zoom, portable, expands up to 4 cameras, sound activated LED, and 2 way talk.
2. Pack 'N Play
If you are a family that travels often and stays with friends and family, you'll most definitely want to invest in a Pack 'N Play so your child can have their own sleep space while traveling. Most hotels keep Pack 'N Plays or cribs on hand so be sure to ask if you are staying in a hotel.
As mentioned above, many Pack 'N Plays come with bassinet attachments so you could absolutely skip the crib and go with a Pack 'N Play for the first several years of your baby's life. I see a lot of families do this when funds are tight or space is limited.
3. Sleep Sacks
I love sleep sacks for their many uses but I'll be honest, I've never used a sleep sack with my own children! They are great as a wearable blanket for colder climates, as a deterrent to climbing out the climb, and solving the issue of baby's legs getting caught in the slats of the crib. Definitely a good idea but this falls under the WANT category simply because I've survived 5 years with good sleepers and no sleep sacks! However, please remember that blankets are a no-no for at least the first year!
4. Snooze Shade
This is a WANT for the baby who will be forced to take some naps on the go due to older siblings schedules, errands that can't be rearranged, etc. The Snooze Shade can be used with your car seat to make their environment pitch black and ventilated to help them sleep on the go. Use this link to take 10% off your purchase!
5. Slumber Pod
This is a portable tent that can enclose your Pack 'N Play while traveling to give your baby that very dark environment they need in hotel rooms! Definitely recommend this for families that do lots of hotel traveling with little ones.
*Use the code ALLTHESLEEPS to take 10% off your purchase!
I think all of the above products are good and may be important to have but if money is tight or you are more of a minimalist, they may not make the final cut! That's okay!
Baby Sleep Products You Shouldn't Waste Your $$$ On:
Just like I'm not going to waste my money on the products below, I'm also not going to waste my words. I'll keep it brief!
1. Dock A Tot
Parents often use this unsafely and against manufacturer guidelines. This product should ONLY be used while baby is under direct supervision. It also inhibits your baby's natural ability to move around their sleep space and get comfortable. To read more about WHY I don't recommend the Dock A Tot, check out this informative blog post I wrote.
2. Crib Bumpers (yes, even if they are mesh)
Again, these are not safe! No matter how "breathable" they are. If you are struggling with your child's legs getting stuck between the crib slats, try a sleep sack first! This is often a phase anyways, and it will pass soon.
3. Wedges
Again, not safe according to the AAP. Even if your child has reflux, I'd encourage you to do your research and talk to your pediatrican before resorting to a wedge or repositioner of sorts.
4. Night Light/ Projectors
Totally unnecessary for babies. Children aren't capable if being afraid of the dark until their imagination begins growing around 2 years of age. Until that time (and even at that age), a nightlight or projector will only serve to disrupt your child's sleep.
Is this swaddle thing replacing wrapping? I am following How to teach a baby to fall asleep alone guide (http://parental-love.com/shop/baby-sleep-training) and one of the first things is wrapping. I think if I can just replace it with this thing?
I would assume so but I haven’t read the book so I can’t say for sure. If the author is referring to a newborn that can’t yet roll, then swaddling is most likely what wrapping is referring to. Swaddling is a great tool to help remind your baby of the womb and make them feel safe and contained! Definitely use it to your advantage. Like I mentioned, I prefer the SwaddleMes because they are velcro and hard for babies to break out of. Once baby starts rolling though, the swaddling should be stopped so they don’t get stuck on their tummies. Hope that helps! 🙂
I just bought a zen, weighted sleep sack. I’m a big fan of sleep sacks and they say this is fine for tummy sleepers after they can roll on their own. Would you agree with that? Or should I stop use if baby starts sleeping on his stomach? (It feels weird, like the weighted sack might hold him down a little bit). Thanks! 🙂
Yes, I would agree! And if he starts rolling to his tummy pretty consistently, you can always start to put it on backwards if you feel comfortable too!