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Looking for holiday sleep tips for baby? You've come to the right place! Holiday season is upon us and I know sleep can be so triggering for many moms because you never know what to expect and how baby will handle the disruptions.
Below I'm sharing some sleep tips for the holidays but first- here's the reminder I needed as a mom to little ones:
Your child's sleep WILL get messed up over the holidays. That's just life with kids and it's going to be okay. Don't let the off days steal your joy.
Yes, you can try all the tips and tricks for sleep. And they may very well help... BUT if they don't help, know that that's completely okay. In fact, that's normal.
Holidays are crazy with travel, wonky schedules, over-stimulation, extra sugar, noise, etc. We can't expect our children to sleep like they do at home on a normal day. And when we do expect that, we often set ourselves up for failure. Which adds extra stress and a dread of the holidays.
Don't let your holidays be dampened by sleep stress. Your child will get back on track after the holidays. I promise, it will be okay. 🫶
There's absolutely a place for planning and holiday sleep tips but first, let's set our expectations realistically. Sound like a plan? Ok, let's get to the sleep tips now!
Get it dark
SlumberPods are great for travel sleep. They set up over the pack n play or toddler mattress and provide some separation and darkness to your child's environment (save 10% with code: ALLTHESLEEPS).
But if you don't have a SlumberPod- you can still make this work! Grab some aluminum foil or garbage bags and tape them over the windows to block out the extra light instead. Works like a charm!
Bring white noise
Bring your white noise from home so you can use it while traveling. Forgot it? Use and extra phone or table and download a free white noise app.
If your family festivities are especially rowdy, place a sound machine in the room with your child, a towel under their door, and then an extra device in the hallway as well. My all-time favorite sound machine is the Lectrofan Micro2 and it's so small and portable that it's perfect for travel sleep!
Familiar smells
Don't go crazy washing the sleep sack or the pack n play sheets before you travel. Instead, keep them smelling like your child and their sleep space so they have that familiarity in the new environment. If you haven't used your pack n play sheets recently (or ever!) I recommend sleeping with it in YOUR bed for a night before you travel so it smells like you.
Follow usual routines
Don't skimp: I know it's tempting to skimp on your bedtime and naptime routines- but don't!
Try to do everything just like your child is used to at home. Take the stuffies, take the bedtime books, don't forget that sleep sack, and anything else you need to complete the steps of your routine.
Prioritize nap 1
When possible, prioritize that first nap of the day. This is typically the longest and most restorative nap.
If you can ensure your child gets a good nap 1, that can help the rest of the day go smoother. After that, do whatever contact or on-the-go naps that you need to do!
Early bedtime
If doable, offer an early bedtime. This can help make up for over-stimulation from the day or crappy naps.
It it's not possible, don't fret! You can get back on track the next day and it will be fine.
Lastly, remember my advice...
Your child's sleep WILL get messed up over the holidays. That's just life with kids and it's going to be okay. Don't let the off days steal your joy.
Have a wonderful holiday celebrating with family and loved ones!
Are your sleep issues bigger than just the holidays?
If you feel like you might be ready to start making sustainable sleep changes in everyday life, you've come to the right place! Here is a link to my scheduler so we can talk through your situation and see if we'd make a good fit to work together.