I get it. It's never fun to wake up a sleeping baby. But I can think of several examples of times that it just makes sense to wake a sleeping baby. And I've given this advice to many clients when it's necessary. 🤷♀️
Here are some reasons why I might tell you to wake your sleeping baby:
💤Your newborn is sleeping long stretches during the day and barely sleeping at night. This is a great example of when it's important to wake and feed frequently throughout the day so that you can help them get their days and nights straightened out.
💤Your baby is up very frequently overnight, then taking long luxurious daytime naps to make up for it. Similar to the first one, but this also applies to babies and toddlers. If they aren't getting good quality night sleep, they may try to make up for it by sleeping A LOT during the day. And if we aren't willing to wake them from naps, it will be really hard to break out of this cycle.
💤Your child is close to a nap transition, but not quite there. If you don't wake them up from their nap, then you will not be able to fit all their naps and wake windows while also keeping bedtime at 8pm or earlier. It's okay to micromanage naps when you are close to a nap transition.
💤If your child is sleeping in in the morning and you know it will throw off their whole day if you let them keep sleeping. We ALL sleep better with a consistent morning wake up time. It's okay to wake your child in the morning, I promise!
💕Hope this helps give you peace of mind. Who's heard this baby sleep myth before??
never wake baby
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