Not everyone needs to sleep train. It's not for every family and that's 100% okay! But if you (or someone you know) desperately needs a sleep change but is stalling on sleep training, keep reading. Add some tough love into your world that will help you address your baby's sleep issues without the BS that can cloud our thinking.
You can sleep train your child AND maintain a secure attachment
I know this myth is prevalent out there but it is simply not backed by the research. In fact, research has shown that sleep training has no effect on attachment (and 1 study even showed a positive effect on attachment)!
You can be responsive to your child during the whole sleep training process
No, you don't have to shut the door and stay out until morning. You're still responding to your child, you're just responding differently in order to give them the opportunity to learn a new skill. When I work with families, some even prefer to stay in the room during the whole process and that is okay! It still works as long as we aren't always swooping in and doing the hard work for the child.
You'll be surprised how much MORE in tune you'll feel after you've sleep trained
It's true! I hear this from parents all the time. They are better able to distinguish when baby is sick or not feeling their best. Sleep training really helps you tune into what your baby's different cries mean. And in fact, your sleep trained child will still call out for you at night when they need you. It's just that with sleep training you're teaching them to regulate their sleep so they don't need you for it throughout the night (or after short naps).
Your child will cry as a result of sleep training but this is NOT the end of the world
Crying is not a fire that needs to be put out. It's communication. And it's 100% okay for your child to communicate that they don't like the change. Our job as parents is not to stifle any uncomfortable feelings for our child. It's to be there, to support them through those feelings, and teach them that they can get through the uncomfortable stuff.
Did you need to hear this tough love? Walk to chat more and see if sleep training is the next right step for your family?
Let's chat!