This big transition naturally comes up a lot with my newborn clients and I thought a blog post would be helpful to walk you through your options!
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First off, lets talk about WHY we swaddle in the first place!
Swaddling is SO important for those first few months because it reminds your baby of the womb. It recreates that snug, cozy environment. I know some babies seem to "hate the swaddle" but in all honesty, you need to swaddle them anyways!
They will sleep SO much better swaddled and that initial fight against the swaddle, doesn't last all night. Oftentimes, it just takes distracting them once they're swaddled.
(By the way, I have an AWESOME newborn sleep course that goes over all of these important pieces, including what to do if your newborn "hates the swaddle.")
Interested in learning more about my gentle Newborn Sleep Course geared towards 0-12 week olds?
Next, I want to touch on WHEN to stop swaddling as it's an important safety note:
Now you guys know, I love me some swaddling! I think it is absolutely essential for those early weeks. But all good things must come to an end.
There can be some confusion on when to stop swaddling. The AAP has stated that at the very first signs of rolling, you should cease swaddling. This means you need to be on the ball and proactive about the process of unswaddling. The very last thing we want is for there to be a chance that your baby could roll for the first time while being swaddled and not be able to lift their head.
And this doesn't mean first signs of rolling *inside* of the swaddle, it means first signs of rolling *outside* of the swaddle.
If your newborn is already rolling but you know they still have a strong Moro reflex, which usually goes away around 3-5 months, there are a couple options out there to help them with this transition:
1. You can try a Merlin Sleep Suit. This suit helps to muffle that startle reflex while also allowing their hands to be free. I don't recommend this product as a long-term solution but it can be great to get you through about a month until that reflex is gone. Then you can switch right to a sleep sack!
2. You can also try a Zipadee Zip. The star fish design allows a baby to move around freely while still providing the enclosed, cozy sensations babies enjoy so much in the swaddle and womb. Unlike the Merlin sleep suit, you can continue to use the Zipadee Zip for months if you'd like! They make different sizes to match your growing baby!
Alright, now are you ready to make the transition? Here's HOW:
If you are transitioning to one of the above products (Merlin Sleep Suit or Zipadee Zip) I say just make the switch! Do it at bedtime and jump right in with your new product.
If you are transitioning out of the swaddle but not into a Merlin's Sleep suit or Zipadee Zip, then I suggest the following tips:
1. You can try swaddling with 1 arm out for a couple nights. I still suggest making the change at bedtime because you'll have your baby's circadian rhythm and hormone production working in your favor at that time. Do one arm out for a couple nights up to a week and then remove the swaddle completely.
2. You can also swaddle your baby's chest snugly with their arms OUT. This will still help to give them a cozy feel but will also give them use of their hands! You could even do this as the next step after swaddling with 1 arm out. Again, start with this change at bedtime!
3. Lastly, you could just take the swaddle away cold turkey and start using a sleep sack instead. Sleep sacks are wearable blankets and are sold in lots of places including, Kohl's, Target and Amazon. They don't need to be anything fancy!
Need some guidance transitioning out of the swaddle?
The most important thing moving forward, is to have a plan of action!
Have a sleep coaching method or plan for how you will respond if your baby starts waking more frequently during this transition.
The last thing we want is for this transition to start new unhelpful habits that you will simply have to break later.
If you haven't previously been rocking or feeding your baby to sleep, don't start now! If your baby has consistently been going 6+ hour stretches overnight without eating, don't start feeding them every 2 hours if their wakings increase during this swaddle transition.
If you need help formulating a plan of action or maybe you've decided you'd like to transition out of the swaddle at the same time you sleep coach, book a free consult with me and we can see if we'd be a good fit!