I LOVE white noise! Before working with clients, I make sure that they have white noise ready because it can really make SUCH a huge difference. Let’s go over some of the frequent questions I get about white noise.
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Is it OK for baby to sleep with white noise?
Yes, absolutely! Not only is okay, it can tremendously help your baby to sleep better. In all honesty, many adults would benefit from sleeping with white noise as well. It’s not just for babies. I recommend that white noise play for the entire night while your baby is sleeping and for each and every nap. As long as the white noise is at a healthy level, there is no reason why white noise would be harmful. And that brings us to our next question...
How loud should white noise be for sleeping?
Above is a picture of the decibel level of different types of sounds taken from Dr. Harvey Karp’s book, Happiest Baby on the Block. Ideally your child’s white noise would be at a decibel level of 60-65. This is about the sound level of a shower running.
When testing the decibel level of your child's white noise, you can download any number of free or paid apps that can help you. Be sure to set your phone in the crib and then turn your white noise on and set it in the usual place it will stay. This way you can get an accurate reading of how loud it will be for your baby when sleeping in their crib.
Do babies sleep better with white noise?
Duh! If white noise wasn’t found to improve sleep, then I wouldn’t waste my time writing a whole blog post about it! A study done testing the effectiveness of using a Lectrofan sound machine (my favorite company!) found that the participants who slept with a white noise running all night:
-Fell asleep faster (by 30%!)
-Spent less time awake throughout the night
-Had better sleep quality (by 37%!)
-And felt more rested in the morning upon waking.
The reasoning is simple. Just because you are asleep, that doesn’t mean your brain has stopped processing stimuli. Not only does white noise block out the sounds of the house around your child, but it provides a consistent, non-stimulating sound that their brain doesn’t need to wake up and notice. Basically, there’s no auditory changes that the brain is sensing and therefore, your child can stay blissfully asleep!
Can I just use my old smartphone to play a white noise app?
This answer is a bit more complicated, so bear with me! You CAN use an app or a Hatch rest, BUT this is not the most helpful for your child. White noise period is better than no white noise but I highly recommend springing for a true non-looping white noise machine instead of one where the sounds are stitched together.
You’re probably asking, why does it matter? Here’s why:
Remember that the white noise is meant to mask any stimuli so that the brain doesn’t come to fully awake mode. But when you use an app or other sounds machines that are looping (Hatch, Homedics, Graco, etc.) they are essentially recordings of white noise being played on a loop. That means that each time the loop restarts, there is going to be slight breaks in the sound and this could actually pull your baby out of sleep!
But I love my Hatch!
I don’t doubt that you do, but I also know that if you are reading my blogs, you may be struggling in the sleep department and if the change was as simple as switching to true white noise, wouldn’t you want to try it? The two companies that I know of that play true non-looping white noise are Lectrofan and Dohm. I personally use Lectrofan in my house and recommend it. My two favorite products are the Lectrofan Micro2 and the Lectrofan Sound.

Lectrofan Micro2

Lectrofan Sound
What if my baby gets so used to white noise that they won’t sleep without it?
Ah. I hear this often as a reason to NOT use white noise. But here’s the deal guys. If white noise helps improve your child’s sleep and they are going to be able to sleep with it a majority of the time, then it makes sense to use it. We want them to have their ideal sleep environment anytime that we can control it because we know that it will help them get more restorative sleep.
Also, white noise machines are extremely portable. If you’re looking for portable, I highly recommend the Lectrofan Micro2 as it can run for over 12 hours without being plugged in and is super easy to throw in your purse or keep in your car. Honestly, I can’t think of many times when you wouldn’t be able to have the Micro2 for a nap on the go!
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When should I wean my child off of white noise?
Like I mentioned earlier, even most adults could benefit from sleeping with white noise so you don’t necessarily have to wean your child off! As they become older, you’ll probably notice that they become less sensitive sleepers and need it less.
If you are really set on weaning your child off of white noise though, I recommend waiting until after 3-4 years of age so that you’ve passed most of the big sleep transitions and milestones (toddler sleep, crib to bed transition, nap elimination, etc). When you get to that point, you can just turn the volume down a little bit each night until it’s gone! Easy breezy!
Wanna know more about white noise? Check out my other white noise blog: Common questions & concerns about white noise for baby sleep. And head here to see the white noise machines I personally use and recommend.