To bedtime snack or not to bedtime snack, that is the question. Here are some bedtime snack tips that I’ve put together with Alyssa, the dietitian behind nutritionforlittles.com.
Bedtime snack for toddlers tip #1
If you offer a bedtime snack, it should be offered consistently as a “built in” part of your nightly routine. Bedtime snacks can be a great thing but we don’t want to only offer it if they don’t eat well at dinner. We get to decide the “when” of eating which means we set the schedule.
So we assess our kids' current eating and what hunger cues we see and decide on what works best for them and the family as a whole. Then if a bedtime snack makes sense, offer it! But choose to offer it consistently, independently of how you think they ate the meal before.
If they seem to be skipping dinner frequently or needing another opportunity to eat then a bedtime snack might be a good idea or at the very least changing what time dinner is offered.
Bedtime snack for toddlers tip #2
Have a set time that the bedtime snack is offered and a set time that bedtime snack is over. This ensures that your child is not able to use the bedtime snack as a stalling tactic at bedtime. Kids can be really good at pinpointing the weaknesses in our boundaries around sleep so it’s best to find the ideal time you offer a bedtime snack and the ideal time to end it (even if your child hasn’t finished eating).
This might look like offering a bedtime snack during a bedtime story. Then once the story is over, snacktime is over too.
Or maybe a bedtime snack is the very first step you offer before you head upstairs to start the bedtime routine. Set a 5-10 minute timer at the start of snack and then when the timer goes off, it’s time to head upstairs and start brushing teeth.
When it comes to toddler and preschooler bedtimes, remember, YOU are the parent and you are allowed to set and hold boundaries that are in the family’s best interest.
Bedtime snack for toddlers tip #3
Keep it boring. Whatever you offer, it shouldn’t be the pinnacle of daytime eating. We don’t want to incentivize skipping dinner and we definitely don’t want to get them all hyped up right before wind down. If your child isn’t interested in the boring snack option, then they probably aren’t that hungry and you can move onto the next step of your nightly routine.
When building your bedtime snack plate be sure to keep it balanced, offer some protein, fiber (not too much though) and fat to keep them satisfied and full for a good night of sleep.
Let's talk some bedtime snack ideas next! When offering a bedtime snack we want to consider offering a complex carb option with a side of protein like:
→toast and nut butter
→banana and a cup of whole milk
→cheese sticks and crackers
Dairy also contains tryptophan which is a precursor to serotonin and serotonin is a precursor to melatonin (our sleepy hormone) so it can be a great option.
Foods to avoid before bedtime would be anything containing high sugar, high fiber, and/or caffeine as these can delay and interrupt sleep.
Last thing I want to say... if you're struggling with bedtime right now, it could be that your issue goes much deeper than whether to bedtime snack or not. So I wanted to take a moment to share some valuable resources that can support you during this time. I've got you covered!
First up, let me introduce you to my Toddler & Preschooler Sleep Course. It's my affordable sleep course for overwhelmed moms who want to end the bedtime battles. It's a comprehensive resource that provides practical tips, guidance, and strategies to foster a healthy relationship with sleep for your child.
Now, you might be wondering, what if your little one was previously a fantastic sleeper but is now experiencing sleep difficulties out of nowhere? That's where my Toddler Sleep Reset comes in. Designed specifically for parents of previously good sleepers, this workshop addresses the unique challenges that arise during toddlerhood. You'll learn proven strategies to help your little one maintain healthy sleep habits and overcome any hurdles that may arise so you can get your good sleeper back. It's a game-changer, trust me!
Ready to tackle your child's sleep issue?

My Toddler & Preschooler Sleep Course would be perfect if you are wanting to have a clear plan of action as you establish healthy and sustainable sleep habits for your child.

My Toddler Sleep Reset is meant for families who have gotten off track along the way and need help getting their good sleeper back.