Struggling with daycare naps? Is your baby enrolled in daycare and you were just informed that they are moving up to the toddler room and switching to a 1 nap schedule? And you’re thinking, “But they’re only 10 months! They can’t handle 1 nap!”
Well fortunately (and unfortunately), you’re not alone if you’re experiencing this. I see daycare nap struggles often with families and it can be so incredibly frustrating. I wanted to put together this post with 5 tips to help you navigate this annoying (and sometimes sleepless) situation.
Daycare nap tip #1: Take a deep breath
I know you may be freaking out right now but the first thing we need to do is breathe. This is a problem for sure, but we aren't going to be able to solve it if we aren't thinking calmly and clearly. This is a challenge but it's not a hopeless situation. So before you move on to implementing tip #2, make sure you have a clear head.
Daycare nap tip #2: Communicate & get creative
See if you can set up a meeting or call with your daycare teachers and/or director. Explain your concerns to them about this early transition to 1 nap. Some important points to bring up would be:
- Most babies aren't capable of handling a 1 nap schedule until 14+ months of age
- The transition to 1 nap will require an early bedtime to help your baby recoup the lost sleep and that will make your evening family time shorter than you'd like
- Transitioning to 1 nap too early can lead to over-tiredness and early wakings. This keeps the overtired cycle going
After expressing your concerns about this transition, ask if there is a way you can work together to keep your child on a 2 nap schedule for longer. Try to get creative. If your child is being forced to a 1 nap schedule because of a move to an older room, ask if that move can be held off a few more months. If it can't, can your baby be moved back into the infant room during nap times? Directly ask if there is any way that your child can still be offered a morning nap in some way, shape, or form. Something is better than nothing here.
For more details on communicating baby's sleep needs with your caregivers, check out this blog.
Is your sleep issue bigger than just daycare?

Daycare nap tip #3: Let go of what you can't control
After communicating with daycare, you may realize that there is no compromise and there is no way in which they can honor your child's sleep needs. If this is the case, we've reached the "let it go" part. This is important for your mental health. Focus on the things you *can* control when it comes to your baby's sleep and let go of the things you *can't* control. If daycare naps are one of those things outside of your control, then it's time to stop stressing and ruminating on it.
Move on to tip #4 for ways you can try to combat this early nap transition.
Daycare nap tip #4: Avoid over-tiredness on your end
Now that your child is moving to 1 nap at daycare, here are my suggestions for handling sleep at home:
- Your baby will be more tired for a while. Try to offer an early bedtime on daycare days. Ideally I'd aim for about 5 hours of awake time between the end of daycare nap and the time you are laying them in the crib at bedtime. For example, if nap ends at 2pm, then aim for bedtime at 7pm. If they seem tired earlier than that, then follow their lead and put them down sooner. Even as early as 6pm may be exactly what they need!
- On the weekends (or any day your child is home with you) continue to offer 2 naps a day like usual. Some parents worry that this will be confusing for baby or throw them off but it's actually essential. Depending on the age of your child, you may continue to offer 2 naps a day on the weekend for months- and that's okay!
- Some night wakings and early wakings will pop up during this time. Do your best to remain consistent in your responses at night. Avoid adding night feeds back in or over-helping. If your child already has the skills to fall asleep on their own, lean on those skills and give them the space to work through those wakings on their own.
Daycare nap tip #5: Stay hopeful
If this transition ends up being really rough for your baby and your family, take heart! I know it's hard and frustrating and tiring but it's also just a season. It won't remain like this forever and before you know it, your baby will be older and able to handle 1 nap much better.
Stay hopeful thinking about the future when nap schedules won't feel as make or break. You WILL get there- I promise!