Expectations vs. Reality When It Comes to Sleep Training
Expectations vs. Reality When It Comes to Sleep Training

Sleep training expectations... ah, the blissful world of dreams and ideal scenarios! While it's tempting to live in a bubble of wishful thinking when it comes to baby and toddler sleep, the reality can be quite different. đŸ€Ș If you’ve been diving into the sea of information on sleep training, you might be swimming with some lofty expectations.

Let’s set the record straight with a refreshing dose of reality—sorry, not sorry! 😅 But you’ll appreciate this tough love later, I promise. While dreaming of a perfect sleeper can be comforting, these high expectations can lead to disappointment during the sleep training process and prevent you from recognizing the progress your little one is actually making.

Let’s break down some common expectations versus the realities of baby and toddler sleep training, along with my advice to help you navigate this journey.


Sleep training expectation 1: It should only take about 3 nights of sleep training for all my baby’s sleep issues to be fixed.

Reality: Three nights is often not enough to resolve all sleep problems for most families.

My Advice: Approach sleep training with a two-week timeframe in mind. This duration allows you to establish a new rhythm and gives your baby the time they need to adjust to changes. Remember, consistency is key, and it might take a little longer to see significant results.


Sleep training expectation 2: Soon my baby will be sleeping 12-hour nights every single night!

Reality: Not all babies are capable of sleeping 12 hours straight, and that’s completely normal.

My Advice: Set a more reasonable goal of around 10 to 12 hours of sleep, depending on your baby’s age and needs. Understand that every child is different, and their sleep patterns can vary. Focus on creating a positive sleep environment, and let’s see what unfolds!


Sleep training expectation 3: Once I sleep train, my child will follow an exact schedule every single day.

Reality: While sleep training can help create more predictable sleep patterns, don’t expect your child to adhere to a rigid schedule.

My Advice: Keep in mind that we are raising little humans, not robots! Flexibility is essential, and small variations in sleep times are entirely normal. Embrace the ebb and flow of your child’s natural rhythm.


Sleep training expectation 4: If I use a really gradual sleep training method, then I won’t have to hear any crying!

Reality: Even the most gradual “no-cry” methods may involve some tears.

My Advice: Don’t fear crying—it’s a natural emotional response from your child as they adapt to sleep changes. Understand that your child is expressing their feelings, and that’s okay! Being there to support them through these emotions is crucial, and it doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong.



Ready to tackle sleep training?

With the right approach, sleep training can transform not just your baby’s sleep, but your entire family’s quality of life. If you’re ready to start on this journey and help your baby sleep soundly, check out my Sleep Coaching Crash Course! This step-by-step guide will equip you with the tools and confidence you need to navigate sleep training successfully. Let's teach your little one how to love sleep!


This affordable sleep course includes:


+ Unlimited access to my tried and true methods through a series of videos and PDFs.


+ A step-by-step plan that literally walks you through how to teach your baby to fall asleep on their own and in their crib... no more second-guessing yourself!


+ Pre-recorded daily audio pep talks from me that can be played each day to encourage, motivate, and reassure you along the way. 


+ PLUS you'll receive two bonuses for free: my Nap Transition Guide and my Early Waking Mini Course!



Posted in Baby Sleep, Baby Sleep Myths, Sleep training, Toddler Sleep.