Whatever way you slice it, parenting is just plain hard. There are no hacks or tips that can fully eliminate the struggles. And when you add sleep deprivation on top of it all, it can feel unbearable at times.
Caring for your little one every day... Trying to succeed at work or at home... Managing your own mental health... Maintaining important relationships in your life...
It's A LOT to juggle. It's not for the faint of heart, that's for sure.
With that all said, I'm not here to offer you an "easy hack" or a "secret tip" to make it all better. But I do want to help you see that you get a choice in how you handle the hard parts of parenting. And the simple act of making that choice can help you feel more in control, more confident, and less like you're drowning.
What do I mean by that? Let's look at 2 hard things:
Your child is struggling with sleep (night wakings, fighting sleep, short naps, cranky & overtired all the time, etc). You can accept that this is where you're at right now and embrace it. This will be temporary. Some day your child will sleep better. You can choose for this to be your hard and go with it. Accept it and stop letting it plague your every thought and emotion.
Your child is struggling with sleep but you've decided to arm yourself with support & information and start tackling these sleep issues. You know that change will be hard and that you'll likely get even worse sleep for a short time while you make changes. But you have hope that it will get better shortly after and your child will learn to regulate their own sleep if you give them the opportunity to learn. You embrace the challenge ahead of you and decide to tackle it wholeheartedly.
Choosing #1 is not better or worse than choosing #2 (at least I'm not going to pass that judgement). YOU get to decide which is better or worse for your family and your unique situation.
Unfortunately, I often see parents stuck in between these 2 hard things. They don't fully accept one or the other and so they feel even more stressed and overwhelmed because of it.
Usually that looks like dabbling in sleep training methods, following sleep consultant accounts, also following anti-sleep training accounts, but never fully committing to either so they never really see progress and feel perpetually guilty. Meanwhile, because they are "kind of" trying to get to better sleep, they can never be fully present in the moment with their child, they constantly feel anxious about the state of their child's sleep and they certainly aren't going to embrace the stage their currently in.
These parents often vacillate between thinking that their child's sleep struggles are just a part of life and/or thinking that their child is capable of sleeping better. This keeps them stuck in a downward spiral. (And if you've been here, you know exactly what I mean). You just feel stuck!
I'm here to offer a solution. If you decide to jump in and embrace hard thing #2.
You're ready to tackle your child's sleep issues wholeheartedly,
then look no further than my affordable Sleep Coaching Crash Course:
This powerful solution includes:
+ A 10 day, step by step plan that literally walks you through how to teach your baby to fall asleep on their own and in their crib... no more second-guessing yourself!
+ Modules & videos that help you understand all the moving pieces so you can put your own sleep puzzle together without feeling overwhelmed
+ Daily audio pep talks from me that will be your guide as you navigate these transitions so you feel like you have an expert in your ear every step of the way
+ PLUS bonus access to my Early Waking Mini Course + my Nap Transition Guide so you'll be covered for years to come!
With the Sleep Coaching Crash Course you can have a step by step plan at your fingertips to achieve your sleep goals -> do your bedtime routine, kiss your baby goodnight, and walk out of the room + know that your baby will sleep long stretches at night and both of you will wake up feeling refreshed!
So if you're ready to stop feeling stuck, it's time to own your hard, commit to change & better sleep, and head over to check out the Sleep Coaching Crash Course today: https://allthesleeps.com/